- 38 % (13)
Oubliez les applications et ajoutez des filtres dynamiques à liste déroulante multiple directement sur votre page d'accueil. Enregistrez et utilisez la même configuration pour les filtres de page de collection
Une configuration peut être utilisée pour les menus, les fils d'Ariane et les curseurs des pages de collection, ainsi que pour les fils d'Ariane des sous-collections des pages de produits !
Comparez jusqu'à 5 produits en utilisant le fournisseur, la note, le prix, les variantes et jusqu'à 20 métachamps personnalisés
This theme perfectly matched what we needed for our e-shop, with hundreds of items on the shelf. Thanks to Ian's very responsive support, we were able to understand the cause of the issue we're facing with our shop. Thank you!
ORIGINALLY thought my issues were due to a THEME update but after lots of emails and technical support form Ian i have found out this is from Shopify problem.. Extremely helpful and patient person, THANK YOU IAN This is my favorite THEME i have found after many many searches
I see that your theme has been heavily customized, but unfortunately, Shopify does not transfer these customizations when they update the theme. I have responded to your ticket, and when you respond we can see how your customizations can transfer to the new version without creating any errors
I am delighted with the theme. It looks great and is highly customisable. The team also provides great support if you ever have any issues.
Great theme! Support is fast and very helpful!
Small addition to v10.1.0
New merchant requested features and sections have been added!
Brief update to address a few small fixes and additions
This theme perfectly matched what we needed for our e-shop, with hundreds of items on the shelf. Thanks to Ian's very responsive support, we were able to understand the cause of the issue we're facing with our shop. Thank you!
ORIGINALLY thought my issues were due to a THEME update but after lots of emails and technical support form Ian i have found out this is from Shopify problem.. Extremely helpful and patient person, THANK YOU IAN This is my favorite THEME i have found after many many searches
I see that your theme has been heavily customized, but unfortunately, Shopify does not transfer these customizations when they update the theme. I have responded to your ticket, and when you respond we can see how your customizations can transfer to the new version without creating any errors
I am delighted with the theme. It looks great and is highly customisable. The team also provides great support if you ever have any issues.
Great theme! Support is fast and very helpful!
Small addition to v10.1.0
New merchant requested features and sections have been added!
Brief update to address a few small fixes and additions
Ce qui est inclus avec chaque thème de Shopify Theme Store
Notre Shopify Theme Store propose des thèmes qui resteront toujours à jour et seront compatibles avec les fonctionnalités toujours plus nombreuses de Shopify.
Tous les thèmes de notre Theme Store répondent aux normes de performance de Shopify et garantissent à vos clients une expérience d'achat plus rapide.
Essayez gratuitement le thème avec vos propres produits, couleurs de marque, et personnalisations. Paiement ponctuel de 140 $ requis si vous publiez le thème sur votre boutique.
Les photos des boutiques de démonstration ne sont pas incluses, mais vous pouvez télécharger des photos d'illustration gratuites sur Shopify Burst.
Obtenez les nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations du thème à partir de notre Theme Store. Vous pouvez retélécharger le thème que vous avez acheté à tout moment.
Votre paiement vous donne le droit d'utiliser le thème sur une seule boutique uniquement, aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez.
320 $ USD
320 $ USD
290 $ USD