$360 USD
- 98% (497)
대담하고 미니멀한 스타일에 완벽하게 맞춰 디자인되었습니다. 28개의 다재다능하고 세부 사항에 초점을 맞춘 섹션으로 독특한 웹사이트를 구축하세요.
카운트다운, 회전 배지, 제품 핫스팟 및 기타 관심을 끄는 전략과 같은 매력적인 요소를 활용해 트래픽을 매출로 전환하세요.
사용자 경험을 보장하기 위한 모바일 우선, 속도 중심 디자인. 일본 상인을 지원하는 독점 사전 설정 제공.
テーマの使いやすさやデザインの良さはもちろんですが、何よりカスタマーサービスが素晴らしいです。どんな小さなことでも質問したり相談すると、迅速に回答しきめ細やかに対応してくださいます。非常に満足しています。 The theme is excellent design and easy to use. Also the customer service is amazing. Whenever we need help, they respond so quickly and help appropriately. We greatly appreciate them and are satisfied. Highly recommend.
テーマに関するこのような寛大なレビューと建設的なフィードバックを残すために時間を割いていただき、誠にありがとうございます。本当に感謝しています。私たちはテーマとサポートを改善し、さらに良いサービスを提供していきますのでご安心ください。良い一日をお過ごしください。よろしくお願いいたします。Hailey | SalesHunterThemes チーム
The best decision I made for my store was choosing the Blum theme. The customer service is fantastic. Whenever I need help, they are always available and ready to assist. I am extremely satisfied with the team and their service. Highly recommend the Blum Theme!
We are so grateful for your wonderful feedback! Thank you for being such a valued user and for sharing your experience with others. We're here whenever you need us. Have a great day ahead! Zee - SalesHunterThemes Team
We’ve added a new theme style, the ability to adjust content max-width and create custom product badges, removed the option to manually select products for cross-selling, and other improvements.
Absolutely love it! A great and functional theme at a very reasonable price. I’m definitely going to buy this theme for my other store as well. Highly recommend!
Great theme, easy to work with and the support team are amazing! They always reply very fast and always get the job done! Thank you!
Dear Bryan Gohl Thank you so much for your amazing review of the Blum theme! It's great to know that you had a positive experience with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Have a nice day! Cookie - SalesHunterThemes Team
テーマの使いやすさやデザインの良さはもちろんですが、何よりカスタマーサービスが素晴らしいです。どんな小さなことでも質問したり相談すると、迅速に回答しきめ細やかに対応してくださいます。非常に満足しています。 The theme is excellent design and easy to use. Also the customer service is amazing. Whenever we need help, they respond so quickly and help appropriately. We greatly appreciate them and are satisfied. Highly recommend.
テーマに関するこのような寛大なレビューと建設的なフィードバックを残すために時間を割いていただき、誠にありがとうございます。本当に感謝しています。私たちはテーマとサポートを改善し、さらに良いサービスを提供していきますのでご安心ください。良い一日をお過ごしください。よろしくお願いいたします。Hailey | SalesHunterThemes チーム
The best decision I made for my store was choosing the Blum theme. The customer service is fantastic. Whenever I need help, they are always available and ready to assist. I am extremely satisfied with the team and their service. Highly recommend the Blum Theme!
We are so grateful for your wonderful feedback! Thank you for being such a valued user and for sharing your experience with others. We're here whenever you need us. Have a great day ahead! Zee - SalesHunterThemes Team
We’ve added a new theme style, the ability to adjust content max-width and create custom product badges, removed the option to manually select products for cross-selling, and other improvements.
테마 스토어의 모든 테마에 포함된 혜택
Shopify 테마 스토어의 테마는 늘 새롭게 업데이트되며 Shopify의 계속 늘어나는 기능 집합과 함께 작동됩니다.
테마 스토어의 모든 테마는 Shopify의 실적 기준을 충족하여 구매자에게 더 빠른 쇼핑 경험을 제공합니다.
테마를 귀하의 제품, 브랜드 색상에 무료로 적용해 보고 사용자 지정해 보세요. 테마를 스토어에 게시하는 경우 $170의 1회 결제가 청구됩니다.
데모 스토어는 포함되어 있지 않지만 Shopify Burst에서 무료 제공 사진을 받을 수 있습니다.
테마 스토어에서 최신 테마 기능 및 수정 사항을 받으세요. 구매한 항목을 언제든지 다시 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
결제하면 테마를 단일 스토어에서 사용할 자격이 생기며, 원하는 한 계속 사용하실 수 있습니다.
$360 USD
$360 USD
$340 USD
$320 USD