$260 USD
- 92% (49)
他に誰がそう言えるでしょうか? 私たちはあらゆることを試してきたので、何が効果的かを知っています。このテーマの隅々まで専門知識を注ぎ込んできました。
it's a nice theme, i like it, good design and many options. I would like to know if you will release a new Boost version soon and if there will be any speed improvements
Hi anying360! Thanks for the feedback. We are actually working on some exciting new updates for BOOST right now! Performance enhancements, new features & settings, dynamic animations - all coming very soon, so stay tuned. Since you have invested in BOOST you will be able to access the new updates for free. Wishing you every success from all the team at Clean Canvas!
I like a lot of things about this theme, but the customer service isn't always super helpful. When I have had small theme code related issues (not their fault), the support team just offers Shopify articles and a link to Task Husky. *Update - after this review they did reach out and offer support with my coding issue.
Hi Besties! Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately your issue was related to non-native custom changes made the the theme code after you purchased it. We can only help with the code/product we have built, but do our best to help in identifying where issues may arise from changes made that are not native to the theme. Our support team have reached out to you again and hope to help. Many thanks!
I recommended the theme due to its reviews and marketing but I will stop that after working with it. its not worth the $300 since: - the style is very basic and does not stand out - sudden errors appearing - poor variety of sections/templates (eg. where is the promised store locator?) - customisation possibilities are poor - speed (theme promise) is not really better than others
Hi PureProteins, while we greatly appreciate your feedback we have also had 100s of merchants compliment the style and setting options, so regret hearing that you felt differently. Your feedback is noted, and we are actually working on some very exciting updates to BOOST to be released soon! Also, do be mindful that apps and other custom coding can seriously affect performance. Thanks again!
Great after care. Very helpful if you have questions
Hi Houndhamper! Many thanks for the wonderful review. It really does mean a lot to hear how we are helping you achieve success. We are here to help and always aim to quick and helpful support. Our developers and designers have more incredible updates and enhancements to come and all will be available to anyone with the theme. I must get some doggie treats from you soon!!!
General improvements and bug fixes
Added support for new Shopify features, some general improvements and a few bug fixes
Added support for new Shopify features and some general improvements
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。