380 $ USD
- 100 % (18)
Balíčky produktů usnadňují prodej produktů společně a zvyšují průměrnou hodnotu objednávky! Kombinujte několik produktů a prodávejte více.
Pomocí vzorníků můžete snížit tření v nákupním procesu, zlepšit objevitelnost produktů a vytvořit poutavější uživatelskou zkušenost.
S více než 25 sekcemi vám Brava umožňuje snadno vytvořit jedinečný zážitek z obchodu a vlastní stránky, díky nimž váš obchod vynikne.
These guys are a 10/10. Not only is the theme sleek and incredibly designed, but their support team is absolutely fantastic! They have provided a top tier customer experience with both communication and willingness to help with some incredible custom changes which is unlike any other experience I have had. Honestly, top of the line premium customer care and designers. I definitely recommend!
This theme is super sleek and clean. I set up my shop with ease within minutes. I also needed some custom modification and the development team quickly jumped on my request and fulfilled it. Super stuff!
The theme's design is attractive and after one day of trial customizing the theme, we decided to take it. Support, especially Ben from Whiley Mai, resolved issues. While $300 isn't cheap, it's fair for the features and services behind it.
In this release of Brava 4.2.0, we have replaced depreciated fonts, added support for extra product line item properties to be passed to the cart. We have also resolved an issue with the variant picker stock count on change, resolved animations for sections and fixed the width of the sticky header and product form on large screen sizes. We have also made some minor design improvements.
In this release of Brava 4.1.0, we have fixed a minor issue with the Header section layout when the Promo is enabled. We have also changed the theme author, documentation and support links from Whiley Mai to Koding Themes, our new website dedicated to themes support. For older versions of Brava, you can continue to contact us at Whiley Mai.
In this release of Brava 4.0.0, we have added the send_on attribute to the gift card recipient form for gift card products and added swatches to product cards. We have also made some minor design improvements across the theme.
These guys are a 10/10. Not only is the theme sleek and incredibly designed, but their support team is absolutely fantastic! They have provided a top tier customer experience with both communication and willingness to help with some incredible custom changes which is unlike any other experience I have had. Honestly, top of the line premium customer care and designers. I definitely recommend!
This theme is super sleek and clean. I set up my shop with ease within minutes. I also needed some custom modification and the development team quickly jumped on my request and fulfilled it. Super stuff!
The theme's design is attractive and after one day of trial customizing the theme, we decided to take it. Support, especially Ben from Whiley Mai, resolved issues. While $300 isn't cheap, it's fair for the features and services behind it.
In this release of Brava 4.2.0, we have replaced depreciated fonts, added support for extra product line item properties to be passed to the cart. We have also resolved an issue with the variant picker stock count on change, resolved animations for sections and fixed the width of the sticky header and product form on large screen sizes. We have also made some minor design improvements.
In this release of Brava 4.1.0, we have fixed a minor issue with the Header section layout when the Promo is enabled. We have also changed the theme author, documentation and support links from Whiley Mai to Koding Themes, our new website dedicated to themes support. For older versions of Brava, you can continue to contact us at Whiley Mai.
In this release of Brava 4.0.0, we have added the send_on attribute to the gift card recipient form for gift card products and added swatches to product cards. We have also made some minor design improvements across the theme.
Co je k dispozici u každého motivu v obchodě s motivy
Motivy z obchodu s motivy Shopify zaručují aktuálnost a kompatibilitu s neustále se rozšiřující sadou funkcí Shopify.
Každý motiv z obchodu s motivy splňuje výkonnostní standardy Shopify a zajišťuje kupujícím rychlejší nákupní prostředí.
Motiv můžete vyzkoušet zdarma a nastavit jej u svých produktů, upravit podle barev své značky nebo přizpůsobit jiným způsobem. Zaplatíte jednorázovou platbu ve výši 220 $, pokud motiv zveřejníte ve svém obchodě.
Demoverze obchodu nejsou k dispozici, můžete však zdarma získat licencované fotografie z fotobanky Shopify Burst.
Získáte nejnovější funkce a opravy z obchodu s motivy. Nakoupené produkty si můžete kdykoli znovu stáhnout.
Po zaplacení máte nárok na použití příslušného motivu v jediném obchodě. Motiv můžete používat, jak dlouho chcete.
380 $ USD
500 $ USD
310 $ USD
380 $ USD