$200 USD
- 100% (47)
大きなカートや在庫向けに構築されており、目立つ検索バーと、常に表示されるカート サイドバーのオプションを備えています。
他に誰がそう言えるでしょうか? 私たちはあらゆることを試してきたので、何が効果的かを知っています。このテーマの隅々まで専門知識を注ぎ込んできました。
Great theme and superb support. Fast straight from the get go and a really stylish and advanced theme that suits our needs just right. I had a small support issue that was resolved immediately. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a professional theme with top notch support.
Your store looks fantastic, thank you so much for your review! Our support team try to get back to you with meaningful (non-robotic!) responses as soon as possible, so glad you had a good experience with us :)
Canopy is working well for us so far. We had hired someone to do extensive customizing of another theme that we used before this. Canopy is more streamlined and we are able to make more changes ourselves because we did not do much customization. Adding to review after one year of use and I am so pleased with this theme. It's very versatile, can handle a large catalog and the support is excellent!
Pleasing to the eye and support is absolutely amazing! Will go above and beyond to help! Keep it up!
Thank you so much for your review! I'm glad our support team was able to help, and your food looks amazing! Cheers, Darren at Clean Canvas
We tried 3 other themes and am so happy we found Canopy! It's perfect! Clean, modern and easy to navigate and build. Very happy.
Third time's a charm! Thank you for your review :)
New fonts selected to replace ones that were deprecated
We've added full support for Shopify Swatch filters and fixed a few bugs.
Added a new section, improvements to the product page lightbox, and many other improvements and optimizations.
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。