400 $ USD
- 95 % (312)
Díky více než 10letým zkušenostem naše témata podporují více než 27 000 značek. Combine je vytvořen pro výkon, flexibilitu a konverze.
Maximalizujte tržby pomocí integrovaných balíčků, upsells a cross-sells – včetně nabídek „Buy X Get Y“ a dalších, to vše bez dalších aplikací.
S více než 30 sekcemi a hlubokými možnostmi přizpůsobení vytvořte obchod s vysokým počtem konverzí, který bude vypadat jedinečně jako váš – bez nutnosti kódování.
A lot of really nice customization features! Extensive basic sections enables you to build most websites with your own style. Nice mega header feature and cool basic collection pages. Quick response from support team as well. Highly recommend!
Thanks for the fantastic feedback! We’re thrilled you enjoyed the customization features, mega header, and collection pages. It’s great to know our support team helped you quickly. We appreciate your recommendation—feel free to reach out if you need anything else!
Unfortunately, they aren't helpful at all. For every question we ask, they say it falls under custom work and that we need to pay extra. The theme's management panel is very inadequate, and there are many areas that need improvement, plus there are errors in the theme. The support team isn't providing enough support either.
We’re sorry to hear you're dissatisfied, but the theme you purchased is fully functional as described. The customizations you're requesting go beyond the scope of support, which is why they fall under additional paid work. Our team is always here to assist with legitimate issues, but we cannot offer free design services for custom features that are not part of the original product.
This theme is much harder to work with than past themes we've used. I would have hoped being a 2.0 theme would have made things easier but we had a very difficult time even with a development agency working with this theme. I wouldn't recommend it.
Hi Kayode, We couldn't find any support ticket from your team or the development agency you've hired but I'm sure that if you contact us we'll find a solution for the issues you had working with our theme. We would love to have the opportunity to help if you write us directly here: https://www.krownthemes.com/shopify-support-contact/.
Great and extensive theme. Very neutral and clean design. I can only recommend and if you have problems with something the support answers quickly and reliably
Thank you for your review! :)
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400 $ USD
250 $ USD
450 $ USD
120 $ USD