350 $ USD
- 99 % (116)
Sorgen Sie für mehr Spaß mit kräftigen Farben und ausgeprägten Schatten, die die Aufmerksamkeit der Käufer auf sich ziehen und gleichzeitig die Persönlichkeit Ihrer Marke unterstreichen.
Treffen Sie Ihre Käufer, wo immer sie sind, mit mobil optimierten Layouts und dynamischen Checkout-Optionen.
Flexibles Design und Anpassungseinstellungen, um Ihre gewünschte Vision zu erreichen, ohne Code berühren zu müssen.
38 % Positiv
I've been using this theme for over 2 years now for our webshop and am pretty pleased with it overall! I would however love to have the ability to show size and colour meta info under each product on collection pages so I don't have to write all info in the product name. Also a bit annoying that all body text is slightly transparent which makes it more difficult to read.
I really like this theme, however it would be great if in the next update you could implement the option of having more than one variant picture for each variant of a product! :)
Hello, thanks for leaving your suggestion! This is most definitely something that our developers are aware of merchants wanting and they appreciate the feedback on how we can improve our product page functionality. Be sure to keep an eye on our Changelog (https://bit.ly/3N3WHop) to be aware of our latest adjustments or implementations.
I have loved this theme since I first started using it. It's smooth and it works great for my author website, allowing readers to buy direct from me. I enjoy having multiple color schemes, and I haven't had any issues with it. My only request is the ability to have all available products shown on one page. It increased in the 14.0 update, so I'm hoping this feature will come soon.
Hey there, we appreciate you sharing your love for Crave and how it's been beneficial for your business! If you are needing all of your products to show on one page (or have an infinite scroll,) you'll need to hire a developer (possibly from the Partner Marketplace https://bit.ly/3Idxo0a) or use an app (https://bit.ly/3M9GxtV)!
The "opening soon" email signup on the password-protected page does not work. I have contacted support 5 times in the last 5 days and nobody appears capable of fixing this very simple problem. UPDATE: the form finally started working after I cleared my cache. But I think the engineers changed something because the form hadn't worked on a 2nd laptop or my phone either. More to say but out of spa
Hello, we definitely understand how important the email signup on password protected stores is in order to get customers to return to the shop once it's open! Sometimes there can be local issues with browsers that can cause problems (clearing cache and cookies is sometime required,) as well as ensuring that any apps or custom code within the theme aren't interfering.
Crave 15.3.0 adds pagination to the quick order list, updates settings labels, and introduces a few bug fixes.
Crave 15.2.0 provides a few fixes for known bugs and updates the styling for the new dynamic checkout buttons.
Crave 15.1.0 changes the way SVGs are rendered
files in the /assets
Liquid filter to render SVGsWas ist in jedem Theme aus dem Theme Store enthalten?
Die Themes im Shopify Theme Store sind garantiert auf dem neuesten Stand und mit dem ständig wachsenden Funktionsumfang von Shopify kompatibel.
Jedes Theme im Theme Store erfüllt die Performance-Standards von Shopify und bietet deinen Käufern ein schnelleres Einkaufserlebnis.
Teste das Theme kostenlos mit deinen eigenen Produkten, den Farben deiner Marke und deinen Anpassungen.
Demo-Shop sind nicht enthalten, aber bei Shopify Burst findest du kostenlose Stock-Fotos.
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350 $ USD
280 $ USD
240 $ USD
320 $ USD