$170 USD
- 99% (96)
モバイル向けに最適化されたレイアウトと動的なチェックアウト オプションを使用して、どこにいても購入者とやり取りできます。
I believe this theme might be it for me. I love it! It is fantastic, clean, professional looking, and it is worth it! I am so impressed w/the 2.0 themes. If you'd like to come check out my fashion store for women at www.shoponin.com.
Hey there! Thanks for sharing your experience, and really nice work on the website. This is a great example of Crave's ability. For even more info, we've collected some tips and tricks for this theme in our Help Center which you can review here: https://bit.ly/3LCc9qM
Crave 11.0.0 introduces new customization options to the announcement bar, new animations and hover effects, and a Quick order list section to product pages.
Crave 10.0.0 introduces new color schemes, animation options across templates and sections, performance improvements for large images, an improved announcement bar, and the ability to change the shape of product cards images.
Crave 9.0.0 introduces app blocks in header, video upload with auto-loop, "Click and hover" zoom, new desktop header menu style, a gift card recipient form, and some performance improvements on images.
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。