280 $ USD
- 89 % (55)
Lad dine produkter komme i centrum med store billeder, skarpe linjer og forenklede skrifttyper, der holder købers opmærksomhed fokuseret på det, der betyder noget.
Store medier til at hjælpe dine kunder med at se, hvordan produkter ser ud og få en fornemmelse af, hvordan de har det
Fleksibelt design og tilpasningsindstillinger for at opnå dit ønskede syn uden at skulle røre nogen kode.
35 % positiv
Is it possible that after this update my description isn't showing anymore? For some reason the product description is not visible on my website, although it's enabled in the theme editor (section part). It stopped showing since I updated the Dawn theme, which I am ofcourse using.
Hello, please reach out to our Support here (https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA) as this is most definitely not expected behaviour after updating a theme! We will take a closer look into your apps, code or other aspects that could affect your product pages.
If you are looking for something to do, sweep the floors, do not touch the website and make it harder for the stores, now you made it so we have to re-design the website and choose the colors. Horrible update, not needed, Called Shopify Support and of course they are not much help.
Hi there, thanks for leaving your feedback on Dawn. We absolutely understand that there is a learning curve with the changes in the theme editor - but these changes do allow for merchants to have more control over different aspects of a website without needing to learn a coding language. There is always the option to utilize older versions of themes instead of updating as well if needed.
Was ist passiert? Mit der neuen Version ist etwas abhanden gekommen. Das Layout von Blog und einigen Seiten / Richtlinien lassen sich nicht ändern. Das zerstört das ganze Branding und du Reputation zu den Besuchern / Kunden.
Hallo, das klingt nicht nach etwas, das bei einem Dawn-Theme ohne bearbeiteten Code oder Apps passieren sollte, die sich auf Seiten auswirken. Bitte wenden Sie sich hier an unseren Support (https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA), damit wir uns Ihre Richtlinien und Blog-Seiten genauer ansehen können, um sicherzustellen, dass etwaige Probleme behoben werden können.
Hi, please reach out to our Support here (https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA) so that we can ensure that Dawn has been downloaded to your admin - and our Support can also help you with other aspects of setting up your theme.
Dawn 15.2.0 provides a few fixes for known bugs and updates the styling for the new dynamic checkout buttons.
Dawn 15.1.0 changes the way SVGs are rendered in Dawn
files in the /assets
Liquid filter to render SVGsDawn 15.0.2 introduces a few bug fixes.
Det får du med hvert tema i temabutikken
Temaer i Shopifys temabutik er med garanti opdateret og fungerer med Shopifys evigt voksende antal funktioner.
Hvert tema i temabutikken overholder Shopifys standarder for ydeevne og sikrer en hurtigere indkøbsoplevelse for dine købere.
Prøv temaet gratis med dine egne produkter, brandfarver og tilpasninger.
Demobutikker er ikke inkluderet, men du kan få gratis lagerbilleder fra Shopify Burst.
Få de nyeste temafunktioner og rettelser fra temabutikken. Du kan downloade dit køb igen når som helst.
280 $ USD
400 $ USD
310 $ USD
400 $ USD