400 $ USD
- 100 % (76)
Übermitteln Sie Ihre Botschaft mit jedem Folienwechsel besser, da die Kopfzeile mit den Übergängen in der Diashow ihre Farbe ändert.
Einzigartiges Produktseiten-Layout, das die Produktbilder in den Vordergrund stellt.
Nutzen Sie die vielen in Distinctive enthaltenen scrollbasierten Animationen, um den Wert Ihrer Produkte hervorzuheben.
40 % Positiv
Não recomendo, apesar de bonito não é funciona e tem vários bugs que quando reportamos eles falam apenas que vão verificar.
Hi there, have your issues been resolved?
The theme looks great. I've come up against several issues that the devs have been very helpful in fixing. They seem to be updating it very frequently, which is slightly frustrating as each time I update I have to re-check functionality & redo the custom coding from previous fixes - but generally speaking, it's a beautiful theme and the devs have been there to support me along the way!
The perfect theme for my business. Clean & minimal feel with modern sleek features. So many types of blocks to include on the site. To make it even better their support team is 2nd to none. Quick responses and have helped with custom coding for the site. Brilliant! :)
This update introduces minor features and fixes minor bugs
This update introduces a new furniture demo, Heritage and adds a variety of new features
This update improves speed, adds new features and fixes minor issues
40 % Positiv
Not great, too few options, menu controls are sub par, font size controls are disproportionately small.
Hi there, have you opened any tickets to request additional settings?
Não recomendo, apesar de bonito não é funciona e tem vários bugs que quando reportamos eles falam apenas que vão verificar.
Hi there, have your issues been resolved?
The theme looks great. I've come up against several issues that the devs have been very helpful in fixing. They seem to be updating it very frequently, which is slightly frustrating as each time I update I have to re-check functionality & redo the custom coding from previous fixes - but generally speaking, it's a beautiful theme and the devs have been there to support me along the way!
The perfect theme for my business. Clean & minimal feel with modern sleek features. So many types of blocks to include on the site. To make it even better their support team is 2nd to none. Quick responses and have helped with custom coding for the site. Brilliant! :)
This update introduces minor features and fixes minor bugs
This update introduces a new furniture demo, Heritage and adds a variety of new features
This update improves speed, adds new features and fixes minor issues
Was ist in jedem Theme aus dem Theme Store enthalten?
Die Themes im Shopify Theme Store sind garantiert auf dem neuesten Stand und mit dem ständig wachsenden Funktionsumfang von Shopify kompatibel.
Jedes Theme im Theme Store erfüllt die Performance-Standards von Shopify und bietet deinen Käufern ein schnelleres Einkaufserlebnis.
Teste das Theme kostenlos mit deinen eigenen Produkten, den Farben deiner Marke und deinen Anpassungen. Es wird eine einmalige Zahlung von 300 $ fällig, wenn du das Theme in deinem Shop veröffentlichst.
Demo-Shop sind nicht enthalten, aber bei Shopify Burst findest du kostenlose Stock-Fotos.
Hol dir die neuesten Funktionen und Fixes für Themes aus dem Theme Store. Du kannst deinen Kauf jederzeit erneut herunterladen.
Deine Zahlung berechtigt dich dazu, das Theme in einem einzigen Shop zu nutzen und es so lange zu behalten, wie du möchtest.
400 $ USD
300 $ USD
320 $ USD
300 $ USD
320 $ USD
300 $ USD