$320 USD
- 98% (580)
フラッシュ メッセージ、固定の「カートに追加」、ページごとにカスタマイズされたポップアップ。エンタープライズには、アプリを必要とせずに、より高いコンバージョンに必要なものがすべて揃っています。
他に誰がそう言えるでしょうか? 10 万以上の商人が Clean Canvas のテーマを信頼しています。当社の経験をあなたの競争上の優位性にしましょう!
Hi, We are about to migrate our old cms to Shopify using Enterprise theme from Clean Canvas. Their support documentation is well done & full of interesting informations. On the other their customer/dev team is really here to help you daily. I wasn't used to such a great support. A really big thanks to this reactive team/company. You rock & are part of our future success !
Thank you so much for your kind words! We're thrilled to hear about your positive experience with our support and Enterprise theme. We're committed to helping you succeed on Shopify, and we look forward to being a part of your future success! 🚀 Wishing you every success from all the Clean Canvas team!
Really amazing theme - so many features and even better support. Can't fault them
Hi Vesternet! Thanks so much for your wonderful review and we are delighted that you are getting to supercharge your store with all the amazing features in ENTERPRISE. We are here to support you if ever you need us again. Wishing you every success from all the Clean Canvas team!
Amazing support. Thank you for detailed explanations for each and every query that I submit.
Thanks Flor Deal - it was a delight helping you! You know where we are if you need us again. Wishing you and wish you and your team every success. From all the Clean Canvas team.
For now it's an amazing theme ! Love the recommandations for optimal image sizing and speed optimizations. I just really miss a feature to round the corners of the containers in sections, collection images and product images :( We'll see how the theme evolves with (I hope) many updates in the future ! Thanks for the amazing work Clean Canvas team, Evan
Hi Evan - thanks so much for the wonderful review! Delighted you are enjoying our latest theme. Performance was a core focus for this one and the results are fantastic. Love the feedback, and of course we will always be innovating and enhancing. A theme is never static... so stay tuned for more to come. Wishing you every success from all the Clean Canvas team.
New fonts selected to replace ones that were deprecated
We've added full support for Shopify Swatch filters and fixed a few bugs.
Added a new section, lots of new settings for the product page, and many other improvements and optimizations.
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。
$320 USD
$250 USD
$150 USD
$330 USD