$380 USD
- レビュー (135)
- 90% 高評価
- 開発者
- Pixel Union

Grid の強力なナビゲーション機能により、顧客が希望する商品を正確に見つけ、瞬時にチェックアウトできるようになります。
製品やビデオなどを紹介するためのユニークな石積みグリッド デザインを備えたこの魅力的なテーマで顧客を引き付けましょう。
充実した製品カタログをお持ちの場合でも、コレクションが比較的少ない場合でも、Grid の複数ページ レイアウトとナビゲーションはどのストアでも機能します。
I'm really happy with our Grid theme and it's perfect for our beauty / suncare business - www.sunkissme.com It's easy to use and make changes and update. Lynne is fantastic support and helps very quickly and professionally. Highly recommended!
I just updated the new version 5.2 of Grid. I really like this theme because my products are promoted. The customer could buy my product in 2 clicks with the quick shop button. It is easy to customize the theme. The support team is very friendly and efficient (Norm, Lynne, Myles...) Geneviève.
I've been so happy with the Grid theme from Pixel Union. It's my first Shopify site, and I was really pleased with how easy it is to use. It's customizable and easy to make it look really on-brand for my niche. I love the large imagery, as my industry is really image-focused. Sometimes I look at other themes, but never seen one that tempted me to switch away. www.EliseThomasonPrintStudio.com
The theme is perfect for my needs. Very clear and modern. Also the support team supports me very well.
We've added support for image focal points and renamed "Recommended products" to "Related products".
We've added a new Complementary products block to product pages.
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。