250 $ USD
- 78 % (9)
Zobrazujte produkty, kolekce, detaily značky a propagační akce opravdu kreativním způsobem, aby vaši návštěvníci o nic nepřišli.
Okořeňte vizuální tok kreativním rozvržením, které pomůže vyniknout každé položce produktu.
Rozšířená oblast popisu produktu pro lepší předvedení a zvýraznění klíčových vlastností nebo výhod produktu v zobrazení posuvníku obrázků nebo seznamu ikon.
Just downloaded the theme a few days ago and our conversion rate immediately DOUBLED! This theme is super responsive and has a lot of opportunity for customization on the homepage and especially the product page. The support team is very happy to help at anytime and resolved my issue immediately.
Great theme. Everything is in a logical order and best of all their customer support is really really fast on email. Answer from support are just right, meaning there's never information missing.
We love the more creative design setup of this theme. Especially the front page and the product page. After installing it we quickly learned that it seems half-finished compared to other themes. Be ready to add or get help to add code to theme files to make it look good and pages don't offer many design setup variations. We hope this will be updated down the road.
Thank you for your nice words regarding the theme, and i'm sorry about your "half-finished" feeling, though we can argue that this is not at all true. You can achieve the exact layout that we advertise online, and the theme does have all the tools to help you create a truly creative store, just as you see in the three demos that we've prepared. We hope that it will be a great fit for your store!
Highlight is the Cadillac of themes. It's brilliantly designed and intuitively laid out. The diverse set of sections are perfect for building a modern looking and high conversion-rate site. Even better, the support at Krown themes is second-to-none. Their bug fixes are fast and their team helps out with issues beyond the purview of the theme. This is the best theme you could ask for!
Thanks for your great feedback, Alex! We also love how you've set up everything in your store, which is a great example of the high versatility of our theme which is only limited to the merchant's creativity - and here you did an excellent job!
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Motivy z obchodu s motivy Shopify zaručují aktuálnost a kompatibilitu s neustále se rozšiřující sadou funkcí Shopify.
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