テーマストアを検索する 候補
$360 USD
1 つ以上の物理的な場所で販売していますか? Local には、オーディエンスにリーチするのに役立つ適切なツールがあります。
インタラクティブ アイコン、クロス セリング、クイック バイ、年齢制限ポップアップなどの業界固有の機能が含まれます。
20 を超えるセクション、柔軟なデザイン、豊富なカスタマイズ オプションにより、希望どおりの外観を実現できます。
98% 高評価
I love this theme! I've had it for 1 little over 1 year now and I'm still learning about available features. It's perfect because my bakery is in-person as well as on-line so it allows customers to view my products and shop 24hrs a day. I would definitely recommend for food businesses.
We are very please with our theme selection! Looks great and was very easy to customize, even for a novice. We did required a little advanced customization for adding a video, and reached out to KrownThemes for support. They were extremely helpful and quick to respond with a solution that worked great.
The Local theme was recommended by an agency who has significant experience in Shopify custom development and had used this theme with other clients. For my drinks business it works great. The support is also spot on. For a non technical person like I am, I would love to get a tutorial to help me understand all the different functionalities available and any future updates.
We absolutely love the Local theme for our food business. It has the flexibility of customisable fields and so many features included as standard. When we moved websites to Shopify 18months ago, we were able to hit the ground running with no interruptions.
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。
$290 USD
$190 USD
$180 USD
$260 USD
$280 USD