310 $ USD
- 100 % (16)
Nutzen Sie stilvolle Abschnitte wie Mosaikraster und geteilte Diashows, um eine Verbindung zu Ihrem Publikum herzustellen und eine überzeugende Markengeschichte zu erstellen.
Lorenza kombiniert anspruchsvolle, redaktionell inspirierte Designs mit feinfühliger Kontrolle, um jeder Seite eine individuell zugeschnittene Ästhetik zu verleihen.
Unsere umfassende Designdokumentation und unser freundliches Team führen Sie gerne durch die integrierten Einstellungen Ihres Designs.
91 % Positiv
The theme is good enough out of the box and flexible enough for custom buildouts. But the customer service is really what stands out. Responsive support that quickly addresses my issues almost every time.
Thank you so much for your review! And we're so happy to hear that our support team was able to help with setup. :)
We selected the Lorenza theme for our retail furnishings site, which is extremely versatile with many attractive ways to present our products. Even when we didn't know how to make something happen in a certain way, the support at Fluorescent gave us prompt & easy instructions. In fact, Lynne's interest in making things happen just as we envisioned moved me to write this review. No Regrets!
Thanks so much for this review! And we're happy to hear that Lynne was able to help you set up the site as you were imagining.
After auditing my site, I found the Lorenza theme applies an H1 store name tag on all pages, demotes collection names to H2, and adds a second H1 tag on pages like products, about us, blogs, etc. When I asked for help, they argued that keyword-driven H1 tags are outdated. Any changes would need custom code work and a developer, not covered by Fluorescent's support. Super helpful, Fluorescent:((
Hi Vasili Lights. We've recently replied to your original support request with some additional context and instructions on how to update to the latest version of Lorenza. What our team found was that you are using an older version of the theme, and updating should solve most of the issues that you're describing. Please let us know in that support thread if you have any further trouble with this!
I am obsessed with Lorenza theme from this company. I have had my eye on it for awhile to level up my brand and finally pulled the trigger when I had the right photography to support such a great theme! Best theme I have purchased to date since I started my business several years ago! You won't be disappointed!
Thanks so much for your review! Our design team is super focused on helping your branding to shine. And we love to hear that it's working!
Lorenza 5.0.0 is our first major post-OS2 release. It contains an entirely new header with entirely new layouts (including the much requested ability to use icons instead of text for cart, login etc.), a much improved product page (with additional blocks for things like payment icons, shipping estimators and editorial content), new "shoppable image" sections, as well as many additional fixes to make your life with Lorenza easier. Note that we've broken up a number of sections to make the theme less complicated (so that you can find what you need faster). Thank you to all of the merchants who have used our customer feedback boards to share their insights with us.
Lorenza v4.2.5 fixes a couple small issues with product chips, colelction filtering, and the recommended products section.
Lorenza v4.2.4 brings a new country selector in place of the old currency selector
Was ist in jedem Theme aus dem Theme Store enthalten?
Die Themes im Shopify Theme Store sind garantiert auf dem neuesten Stand und mit dem ständig wachsenden Funktionsumfang von Shopify kompatibel.
Jedes Theme im Theme Store erfüllt die Performance-Standards von Shopify und bietet deinen Käufern ein schnelleres Einkaufserlebnis.
Teste das Theme kostenlos mit deinen eigenen Produkten, den Farben deiner Marke und deinen Anpassungen. Es wird eine einmalige Zahlung von 320 $ fällig, wenn du das Theme in deinem Shop veröffentlichst.
Demo-Shop sind nicht enthalten, aber bei Shopify Burst findest du kostenlose Stock-Fotos.
Hol dir die neuesten Funktionen und Fixes für Themes aus dem Theme Store. Du kannst deinen Kauf jederzeit erneut herunterladen.
Deine Zahlung berechtigt dich dazu, das Theme in einem einzigen Shop zu nutzen und es so lange zu behalten, wie du möchtest.
310 $ USD
360 $ USD
350 $ USD
140 $ USD