
480 $ USD

Prueba ilimitada gratis. Paga solo si publicas el tema.

Un tema premium diseñado para marcas de lujo y de alta gama.

Reseñas (19)
100 % positivas
Winter Studio

Notas de lanzamiento

Última actualización 5 feb 2025 Versión 7.0.0
Registrarse para probar Ver la tienda de demostración

Notas de lanzamiento

Última actualización 5 feb 2025 Versión 7.0.0

Aspectos destacados del tema

Crea páginas de destino premium

Genere un impacto instantáneo con hermosos banners con imágenes y videos. Combine efectos de imagen y opciones de diseño avanzadas para crear su estilo.

Crea una apariencia y un estilo de alta gama

Haga que sus productos y su marca se destaquen con una estética refinada y funciones integradas como filtros, insignias y muestras de colores de productos.

Genera impacto con videos

Elija entre más de 8 secciones de video prediseñadas para presentar videos de reproducción automática perfecta en varios diseños creativos en toda su tienda.

Este tema es fantástico para

  • Contenido editorial: Optimizado para secciones de texto más largas para permitir la narración la marca
  • Narración visual: Diseñado para mostrar imágenes que permitan la narración visual de la marca
  • Configuración rápida: El tema se configura en unos pocos pasos para permitir un lanzamiento rápido

Carrito y pantalla de pago

  • Carrito fijo
  • Carrito lateral deslizable
  • Compra rápida
  • Iniciar sesión con Shop
  • Notas del carrito
  • Recogida en tienda

Identificación de productos

  • Búsqueda mejorada
  • Encabezado fijo
  • Filtrado y clasificación de los productos
  • Filtros de muestra
  • Megamenú
  • Navegación de página de colección
  • Productos recomendados
  • Ruta de navegación

Marketing y conversión

  • Banners de promoción
  • Blogs
  • Cobertura de prensa
  • Contador de existencias
  • Emblemas de confianza
  • Emblemas de productos
  • Productos recomendados
  • Promociones en el menú
  • Página de preguntas frecuentes
  • Recuadros de promoción
  • Traducciones de la UE (EN, FR, IT, DE, ES)
  • Venta cruzada
  • Ventanas emergentes de promoción
  • Vista rápida


  • Animación
  • Catálogos
  • Diapositivas
  • Galerías de imágenes
  • Imágenes en alta resolución
  • Información de envío/entrega
  • Ingredientes o información nutricional
  • Muestras de color
  • Opciones de producto
  • Pestañas de producto
  • Puntos de acceso en imágenes
  • Rotación de imágenes
  • Tablas de tallas
  • Videos de producto
  • Zoom en imágenes

Este tema es fantástico para

  • Contenido editorial: Optimizado para secciones de texto más largas para permitir la narración la marca
  • Narración visual: Diseñado para mostrar imágenes que permitan la narración visual de la marca
  • Configuración rápida: El tema se configura en unos pocos pasos para permitir un lanzamiento rápido

Carrito y pantalla de pago

  • Carrito fijo
  • Carrito lateral deslizable
  • Compra rápida
  • Iniciar sesión con Shop
  • Notas del carrito
  • Recogida en tienda

Identificación de productos

  • Búsqueda mejorada
  • Encabezado fijo
  • Filtrado y clasificación de los productos
  • Filtros de muestra
  • Megamenú
  • Navegación de página de colección
  • Productos recomendados
  • Ruta de navegación

Marketing y conversión

  • Banners de promoción
  • Blogs
  • Cobertura de prensa
  • Contador de existencias
  • Emblemas de confianza
  • Emblemas de productos
  • Productos recomendados
  • Promociones en el menú
  • Página de preguntas frecuentes
  • Recuadros de promoción
  • Traducciones de la UE (EN, FR, IT, DE, ES)
  • Venta cruzada
  • Ventanas emergentes de promoción
  • Vista rápida


  • Animación
  • Catálogos
  • Diapositivas
  • Galerías de imágenes
  • Imágenes en alta resolución
  • Información de envío/entrega
  • Ingredientes o información nutricional
  • Muestras de color
  • Opciones de producto
  • Pestañas de producto
  • Puntos de acceso en imágenes
  • Rotación de imágenes
  • Tablas de tallas
  • Videos de producto
  • Zoom en imágenes

19 reseñas

100 % positivas

  • 19 reseñas positivas
  • 0 reseñas neutras
  • 0 reseñas negativas
Escribe una reseña
Hace 2 días

The best theme with the best team behind it, very fast support, flexible and respectful. They helped me with my website "" definitely worth each cent we paid. will always look forward to any other work you guys make. Keep it Up

B-low The Belt
Hace 3 días

Amazing support team - very quick responses and Andrew on their support team went above and beyond to provide the code I needed. The theme itself has tons of features but it's the support team that makes this one shine.
Hace 6 días

Luxe by Winterstudio is a sleek, high-end Shopify theme perfect for luxury brands. It’s fast, fully responsive, and easy to customize, offering advanced features like sticky add-to-cart, product filtering, and stunning galleries. Plus, Andrew and his team provide outstanding support, making setup seamless. Highly recommended!

Hace 6 días

Awesome theme! Highly recommended. Shortly after launching the site we found a small bug on the theme and the team helped us immediately and fixed the issue. Great team and support!

Winter Studio presta soporte técnico para este tema.

  • Office 2, The Old Town Hall, Church Street, Market Harborough, BFP, LE16 7AF, GB

Notas de lanzamiento

Versión 7.0.0 February 5, 2025

Luxe is continuously being improved and refined based on user feedback and industry best practices. Luxe Version 7.0.0 includes several new features to enhance the front-end user experience and to offer merchants even more creative options and flexibility.


  • We've added the option of product card image swiping - a modern UX trend seen on leading e-commerce stores. Now, in addition to the option of displaying the 2nd image on hover, you can choose to allow swiping through multiple product images (up to a maximum of 4 images). This feature works on the Main Collection Product Grid section, Featured Collection section, Complementary Products and Related Products sections. It can be activated within the settings of each section.
  • We've added a choice of arrow position for carousels; you can choose middle, top right, bottom right or bottom center of the carousel. This update provides more flexibility over the visual appearance and user experience of carousels. We've also added a 'Minimal' arrow style setting which displays the arrow with no background or border for a more minimal look and feel.
  • We've added an image size setting to the Multicolumn section. This is useful if you want to use smaller images such as icons within the Multicolumn section. We've also added a 16:9 image aspect ratio choice on the Multicolumn section.
  • We've modified the Password template to allow additional sections to be added to the template, if wanted. This gives more flexibility over content and functionality of the password page, such as adding video, images or additional text.
  • We’ve updated the Cross Links color swatches to support swatch images. This means that swatches can now be displayed using a small swatch image instead of a solid color. Refer to our documentation for more guidance on this feature, as it requires knowledge of Shopify metaobjects and also requires a specific set-up.
  • On Collection Grid images, we have added a setting to allow you to specify the number of rows each image spans; this can now be set to 1 or 2, giving more flexibility over the scale and positioning of the image.
  • On the Blog template, we've added the option of a 5 column or 6 column layout. We've also increased the pagination and layout options for tablet and desktop, to give more control over the page layout across different screen sizes.
  • We've added additional image aspect ratio settings to blog cards. Portrait 4:6 and Landscape 16:9 are now available in the options.
  • We've added a 'track' display option to the mobile pagination of the product page gallery. The track option displays media pagination as a minimal scrollbar rather than as separate markers.
  • On the product template we've added a block for vendor (brand), including an optional link to a brand collection.
  • We've added a global setting on product cards to set the text style of vendor (brand). You can now choose from faded, italic or none. Adding a visual style to the brand name can help to differentiate it from the product title and other text elements within the card, or simply inject some typographic style into your design.
  • We've added aditional style settings to the header country selector; you can now choose to display a flag with or without text and you can specify whether to show the currency symbol. We have also added a subtle border to the flag image to improve the appearance of flags with a white background.
  • We've added a setting to hide flags in the language selector, if preferred. Based on user feedback, we acknowledge that flags are not always deemed to be appropriate, or in some cases a language does not correspond directly to a country/flag. This setting can be found in the Footer.


  • We have removed the image aspect ratio setting from the Featured Blog Posts section. This section now uses the ratio setting from the theme blog card settings. This change improves consistency of how blog posts are displayed across a store.

Fixes and other improvements

  • We've fixed a bug in the Announcement Bar that was affecting the link (URL) of each announcement when multiple announcements were added.
  • We've fixed a minor visual issue found relating to the color of search bar text and icons within the search dropdown.
  • We've fixed an issue found with pagination of customer orders on the account pages, in cases where there were a large number of orders.
  • We've added additional size options to the Collection Banner title (Extra Small and Micro).
  • We've set a maximum width on the collection page description. This improves readability and visual design, as it prevents the lines of text from becoming too long.
  • We've updated the search dropdown to display badges within product cards, to improve consistency with other pages/sections.

Versión 6.1.0 January 3, 2025

Luxe Version 6.1.0 includes an update to fonts and some other minor fixes and improvements.


  • Added a heading text alignment option to Blog Posts.


  • Changed some of the default theme fonts because the following fonts have now been depreciated by Shopify: Basic Commercial, Cardo, Twentieth Century. We have changed the fonts within each Luxe preset to suitable replacements.
  • Changed the default keyword for the “DETAILS” keyword product split. This is now set to INFOBREAK by default to avoid unexpected problems and conflicts with written text in product descriptions.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed an issue on the Image with Hotspots section whereby the hotspot cards were appearing in the wrong position on desktop.
  • Updated predictive search to work in multiple languages.
  • Improved the product page media gallery for the thumbnail carousel setting. Now, if there are a large number of thumbnails, they appear within a scrollable container. This improves the visual appearance and usability.

Versión 6.0.0 December 10, 2024

Luxe was already one of the most advanced themes available and we’ve now made it even better. Luxe 6.0.0 features updates and refinements to keep Luxe at the forefront of UX trends and best practices. We are also constantly listening to user feedback and suggestions from merchants too – so this update includes a number of features requested by existing Luxe users. This update also includes several technical updates/fixes to ensure compatibility with recent browser updates from Google Chrome and Apple Safari.

Version 6 offers even more options and flexibility in key areas of the theme affecting branding, product discovery and conversion; the header, footer, product detail page, product media gallery and cart all include new features and additional options.


  • Added several new features and settings to the Header. Firstly, Header Promo Images (now called Feature Cards) can now be included in the mobile menu drawer. You will find a new setting in each block to turn this on/off. We have added an accordion display option on the menu drawer, as an alternative to the horizontal sliding menu. We've also added several other new features to the header, including drawer text alignment, additinal typography settings, option to include "Shop All" links on mobile, and additional border settings. All these new features are aimed to give even more control and flexibility to merchants over this key area of a store.
  • Added several new features and settings to the Footer including additional border settings, additional typography settings, and a horizontal spacing setting which applies when the footer includes multiple columns. We've also added an optional sub footer menu which can be added. This is useful for links such as careers, sustainability or even designer/agency credits. Social media icons within the footer can now have a border if a less minimal look is preferred. We've also improved and refined the footer to improve the overall look, especially on mobile.
  • Added several new features to the Product template and implemented several refinements and improvements. New features include mobile-specific padding settings and other additional style settings.
  • The product description accordion can now be set to be open by default, if preferred.
  • The product pop-up now has a width setting and has been improved so the sizing scales better to the content within the pop-up.
  • The product share block now uses native sharing for improved usability.
  • Added a text alignment setting for the product page pick-up section. This can be found within the Buy Buttons block.
  • Added additional settings to the product page media gallery. New settings include a new zoom in/out feature, additional carousel arrow style options, and the option to hide carousel arrows on desktop until rollover, and the option to set the iconography color and background color of the modal.
  • Added an icon only display option to the Quick Add component for merchants who want a more minimal UI style.
  • Added vertical spacing setting on the Image Banner and Video Banner sections. This new setting controls the vertical space between text and graphical elements, giving the option to increase or decrease white space.
  • Added additional height settings to the Collection Banner section, including the option to set the height separately for mobile. These new settings will help merchants have more control over images within the banner.
  • We've added a search field to the market selector pop-up to improve the user experience. The search field automatically displays when the list contains 15 or more markets, allowing users to find their market more easily.
  • Added a list corner radius setting in the main theme settings. This new setting gives control over the appearance/styling of lists such as market selectors.
  • Added additional settings for the cart. Merchants can now turn on/off dynamic checkout buttons in the cart footer, and turn on/off the 'View cart' button within the cart drawer. We've also added a sticky mobile cart option, and new style options for the cart summary - you can now choose from outline, background tint or none. You will find these new settings in the cart template and within the cart section of the main theme settings.
  • On the Featured Product Styles section, we've added a 9:16 aspect ratio option, in keeping with trends on instagram and other social media platforms, making it easier to have consistency with your social media platforms if required.

Fixes and other improvements

  • On search, unavailable products are now included in results.
  • Fixed an issue on the Password page which prevented the password link from working correctly.
  • Modified the handling of iFrame embedded videos into pages to prevent page layout issues.
  • We've refined some of the theme iconography to make it crisper and more premium.
  • We've updated the product gallery coding to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of Chrome and Safari, and to optimize the speed of image loading to be even faster. We also fixed a bug on product page gallery in carousel mode, which resulted in the wrong thumbnail being highlighted. Thumbnails now highlight correctly.
  • We've fixed an issue that was affecting gift notes on the cart.
  • We've fixed an issue with email sign-up forms that was only affecting certain stores using unusual custom fonts, causing text to be cut off.
  • We've improved spacing and margins on the Collection Lookbook section and Shop The Look section.
  • Content Cards are now included on the homepage template by default. Remove or hide the section if not required.

Crea con confianza: la promesa de la tienda de temas

Lo que incluyen todos los temas de la tienda de temas

  • Funciona con las últimas funciones de Shopify

    Los temas en la tienda de temas de Shopify se mantienen actualizados y funcionan con el conjunto de funciones cada vez mayor de Shopify.

  • Velocidad probada y aprobada

    Todos los temas de la tienda de temas cumplen con los estándares de rendimiento de Shopify, lo que asegura una experiencia de compra más rápida para tus compradores.

  • Prueba gratis ilimitada

    Prueba el tema gratis con tus propios productos, colores de marca y personalizaciones. Un pago único de 480 $ si publicas el tema en tu tienda.

  • Fotos de alta resolución gratis

    Las tiendas de demostración no están incluidas, pero puedes obtener imágenes gratis de Burst de Shopify.

  • Actualizaciones de temas gratis

    Obtén las funciones y reparaciones más recientes de la tienda de temas. Puedes volver a descargar tu compra en cualquier momento.

  • Licencia sin vencimiento para una tienda

    Tu pago te da derecho a usar el tema en una sola tienda y a conservarlo todo el tiempo como desees.