$220 USD
在這段 2 分鐘的影片中了解 Multi 的獨特功能(如動畫背景、配色等)如何幫助您的商店脫穎而出。
Multi 具有驚人的 40 多個部分,以及大量通常需要額外付費才能使用的高級功能。
- 直運商: 專為直運商設計
- 快閃優惠: 設有可進行時效性宣傳活動的功能
- 大流量商店: 專為須在特定期間內處理大量交易的商店設計
- 使用資訊
- 動畫
- 原料或營養成分資訊
- 商品分頁
- 商品影片
- 商品選項
- 圖片庫
- 圖片熱點
- 圖片縮放
- 圖片變換
- 型錄
- 尺寸表
- 素材輪播
- 色樣
- 運送/配送資訊
- 高解析度圖片
- 加強型搜尋功能
- 商品篩選與分類
- 商品系列頁面導覽
- 固定式頁首
- 大型選單
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 無限捲動
- 交叉銷售
- 信任徽章
- 倒數計時器
- 可自訂的聯絡表單
- 商品徽章
- 媒體曝光
- 宣傳資訊圖塊
- 宣傳資訊彈出式視窗
- 宣傳資訊橫幅
- 常見問題頁面
- 庫存補貨通知
- 庫存計算工具
- 快速檢視
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 歐盟翻譯 (英文、法文、義大利文、德文、西班牙文)
- 網誌
- 選單內宣傳資訊
- 來店取貨
- 固定式購物車
- 滑出式購物車
- 購物車備註
- 迅速購買
16 則評論
版本 2.1.0 September 20, 2024
- Added option to show info about horizontal scroll in "Product comparison" popup
- Added ability to disable product comparison bar
- Added ability to add a product comparison icon in the header
- Added alternative image option for "Image columns," "Image columns slider," and "Gallery slideshow" sections
- Added additional display options for "Entry popup" section.
- Added ability to make "Navigation Bar" section sticky
- Added ability to specify the source of collection image thumbnails in search results
- Added ability to customize scrollbars in the design settings
- Added "Center" alignment option to "Navigation bar" items
- Added ability to disable smart variant selection preventing unavailable options from being selected
- Added ability to customize the width of page headers
- Support for combined listing products (Shopify Plus feature)
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixed text alignment in "Video popup with text" section
- Fixed custom properties & selling-plan fields displaying on a customer order page
- Fixed style issues related to placeholder images on mobile devices
- Optimized CSS animations
- Optimized JS performance
- Improved Web Accessibility
- Optimized "Images per variants" product gallery behavior
- Improved UX on mobile devices
- Fixed display of price filter in the Mozilla Firefox browser
- Optimized image of "Collection with image" section
- Fixed inability to scroll in the variant selector popup in the cart
- Fixed subcollections banner size
- Fixed inability to scroll the collection filters sidebar when the infinite page scroll function is enabled
- Fixed issues related to cart page alignment on mobile devices
- Fixed possible video issues whith some popular apps
- Fixed some style errors in the header
- Added ability to disable contact form submission using AJAX to avoid errors in some cases
版本 2.0.1 June 6, 2024
- Added setting to control background patterns animation speed
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixed an issue related to product card alternative images
- Fixed an issue related to sections containing slideshows
- Fixed style issues related to the 'Products comparison' section on iOS
- Improved user experience of the 'Products comparison' section
版本 2.0.0 May 17, 2024
Multi 2.0 is here! We are thrilled to announce the release of our first major update.
You can now use our signature animation patterns not only with background colors, but with any video or image
Reduce the glare with our new 'Dark mode' setting. With intuitive color scheme options, you will able to setup this feature in just a few clicks.
Finally, you can setup unlimited product comparisons with up to 50 fields to compare!
- Added ability to use animation background patterns on top of images/videos. This feature is supported in the following sections: Hero image, Slideshow, Background video, Hero video popup, Promo banner, Hero newsletter, Image hot spots, and Shoppable image.
- Added dark mode setting
- Added ability to assign a specific image set to a product variant
- Added compare products feature
- Added ability to use alternative mouseover image within the Gallery section
- Implemented new filter image swatches (Visual filters)
Fixes and other improvements
- Added JS interface for refreshing cart content (for better app compatibility)
- Fixed quick view arrow navigation sizing
- Fixed product gallery low image resolution
- Various improvements for search bar UI
- Compare product options (product section) UI improvements
- 'Featured collection with image' section images optimization
- Fixed infinite loading within cart
- Slideshow navigation color correction
- Improved handling of long variant titles within product variant selector
- Improved notification messages on mobile
- Added better formatting for tables within product description
- CSS files load optimization
- Fixed sticky header unexpected margin
- Improved unit pricing display
- Minor adjustments for cart drawer UI
- 直運商: 專為直運商設計
- 快閃優惠: 設有可進行時效性宣傳活動的功能
- 大流量商店: 專為須在特定期間內處理大量交易的商店設計
- 使用資訊
- 動畫
- 原料或營養成分資訊
- 商品分頁
- 商品影片
- 商品選項
- 圖片庫
- 圖片熱點
- 圖片縮放
- 圖片變換
- 型錄
- 尺寸表
- 素材輪播
- 色樣
- 運送/配送資訊
- 高解析度圖片
- 加強型搜尋功能
- 商品篩選與分類
- 商品系列頁面導覽
- 固定式頁首
- 大型選單
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 無限捲動
- 交叉銷售
- 信任徽章
- 倒數計時器
- 可自訂的聯絡表單
- 商品徽章
- 媒體曝光
- 宣傳資訊圖塊
- 宣傳資訊彈出式視窗
- 宣傳資訊橫幅
- 常見問題頁面
- 庫存補貨通知
- 庫存計算工具
- 快速檢視
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 歐盟翻譯 (英文、法文、義大利文、德文、西班牙文)
- 網誌
- 選單內宣傳資訊
- 來店取貨
- 固定式購物車
- 滑出式購物車
- 購物車備註
- 迅速購買
16 則評論
版本 2.1.0 September 20, 2024
- Added option to show info about horizontal scroll in "Product comparison" popup
- Added ability to disable product comparison bar
- Added ability to add a product comparison icon in the header
- Added alternative image option for "Image columns," "Image columns slider," and "Gallery slideshow" sections
- Added additional display options for "Entry popup" section.
- Added ability to make "Navigation Bar" section sticky
- Added ability to specify the source of collection image thumbnails in search results
- Added ability to customize scrollbars in the design settings
- Added "Center" alignment option to "Navigation bar" items
- Added ability to disable smart variant selection preventing unavailable options from being selected
- Added ability to customize the width of page headers
- Support for combined listing products (Shopify Plus feature)
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixed text alignment in "Video popup with text" section
- Fixed custom properties & selling-plan fields displaying on a customer order page
- Fixed style issues related to placeholder images on mobile devices
- Optimized CSS animations
- Optimized JS performance
- Improved Web Accessibility
- Optimized "Images per variants" product gallery behavior
- Improved UX on mobile devices
- Fixed display of price filter in the Mozilla Firefox browser
- Optimized image of "Collection with image" section
- Fixed inability to scroll in the variant selector popup in the cart
- Fixed subcollections banner size
- Fixed inability to scroll the collection filters sidebar when the infinite page scroll function is enabled
- Fixed issues related to cart page alignment on mobile devices
- Fixed possible video issues whith some popular apps
- Fixed some style errors in the header
- Added ability to disable contact form submission using AJAX to avoid errors in some cases
版本 2.0.1 June 6, 2024
- Added setting to control background patterns animation speed
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixed an issue related to product card alternative images
- Fixed an issue related to sections containing slideshows
- Fixed style issues related to the 'Products comparison' section on iOS
- Improved user experience of the 'Products comparison' section
版本 2.0.0 May 17, 2024
Multi 2.0 is here! We are thrilled to announce the release of our first major update.
You can now use our signature animation patterns not only with background colors, but with any video or image
Reduce the glare with our new 'Dark mode' setting. With intuitive color scheme options, you will able to setup this feature in just a few clicks.
Finally, you can setup unlimited product comparisons with up to 50 fields to compare!
- Added ability to use animation background patterns on top of images/videos. This feature is supported in the following sections: Hero image, Slideshow, Background video, Hero video popup, Promo banner, Hero newsletter, Image hot spots, and Shoppable image.
- Added dark mode setting
- Added ability to assign a specific image set to a product variant
- Added compare products feature
- Added ability to use alternative mouseover image within the Gallery section
- Implemented new filter image swatches (Visual filters)
Fixes and other improvements
- Added JS interface for refreshing cart content (for better app compatibility)
- Fixed quick view arrow navigation sizing
- Fixed product gallery low image resolution
- Various improvements for search bar UI
- Compare product options (product section) UI improvements
- 'Featured collection with image' section images optimization
- Fixed infinite loading within cart
- Slideshow navigation color correction
- Improved handling of long variant titles within product variant selector
- Improved notification messages on mobile
- Added better formatting for tables within product description
- CSS files load optimization
- Fixed sticky header unexpected margin
- Improved unit pricing display
- Minor adjustments for cart drawer UI
Shopify Theme Store,開店安心保證
Shopify Theme Store 中各佈景主題包含的內容
結合最新 Shopify 功能
Shopify Theme Store 的佈景主題會隨時更新,結合 Shopify 不斷創新的最新功能。
Shopify Theme Store 的所有佈景主題都符合 Shopify 效能標準,確保您的買家能享受更快速的購物體驗。
搭配自家產品、品牌色彩和專屬設定,免費試用佈景主題。將佈景主題發佈至商店後,僅需支付 $350 的單次買斷費用。
雖不包含示範商店,但您可從 Shopify Burst 取得免費圖庫相片。
自 Shopify Theme Store 取得最新的佈景主題功能與修正。您可以隨時重新下載已購買的佈景主題。