$380 USD
Paper 是一個強大且功能豐富的主題。使用許多專業設計的拖放部分可以輕鬆地讓您的品牌栩栩如生。
對於電子商務品牌來說,速度很重要。幾秒鐘的時間就能產生很大的影響。 Paper 從一開始就考慮到了效能。
- 大流量商店: 專為須在特定期間內處理大量交易的商店設計
- 實體店面: 專為進行實體銷售的商店設計
- 快速設定: 盡量簡化佈景主題設定步驟,縮短推出時間
Shopify Plus 專屬功能
- 合併商品資訊
- 使用資訊
- 動畫
- 原料或營養成分資訊
- 商品分頁
- 商品影片
- 商品選項
- 圖片庫
- 圖片熱點
- 圖片縮放
- 圖片變換
- 型錄
- 尺寸表
- 素材輪播
- 色樣
- 運送/配送資訊
- 高解析度圖片
- 加強型搜尋功能
- 商品篩選與分類
- 商品系列頁面導覽
- 回到頂端按鈕
- 固定式頁首
- 大型選單
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 無限捲動
- 色樣篩選條件
- 頁面路徑
- 交叉銷售
- 信任徽章
- 倒數計時器
- 可自訂的聯絡表單
- 商品徽章
- 媒體曝光
- 宣傳資訊圖塊
- 宣傳資訊彈出式視窗
- 宣傳資訊橫幅
- 常見問題頁面
- 年齡驗證工具
- 庫存計算工具
- 快速檢視
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 歐盟翻譯 (英文、法文、義大利文、德文、西班牙文)
- 網誌
- 選單內宣傳資訊
- 使用 Shop 登入
- 來店取貨
- 固定式購物車
- 滑出式購物車
- 禮品包裝
- 購物車備註
- 迅速購買
- 預購
30 則評論
這個佈景主題由 Brickspace Lab 支援
- 121 Mississaga St E, Orillia, ON, L3V 1V6, CA
- support@brickspacelab.com
版本 7.6.1 October 15, 2024
Bug fix.
版本 7.6.0 October 10, 2024
Big update! At least it feels like a big update. We’ve cleaned out a bunch of Safari display bugs and enriched our support for metaobject swatches while adding a lot of smaller but highly requested features and settings.
- New setting so each item in the product page gallery slider can be adjusted for both mobile and desktop
- New CSS to ensure consistent design of “Buy it now” buttons
- New tab block to show up to three tabs on product section
- New slider and arrow button to see more product links using the “Linked products” block when a page has many linked products
- Swatches now appear when using metaobject swatches even when option is not labeled “colour”
- New full screen zoom gallery on product pages that use more intuitive vertical scrolling
- New comparison table section
- New setting to choose to if collection filters are displayed on top or on the side
- New setting to change the width of items displayed in a product and collection slider
- Add support so videos can be used as the first media in a product card
- Revised liquid code with some performance improvements
- Improved 3d model component on product pages
- Improved color rendering when using a dark body background
- Update map store locator section to use Mapbox API
- Update collection sections to use “collection_list” input making it easier to select many collections
- Removed default background color on some images so .PNGs appear as expected with a transparent background
Fixes and improvements
- Fixed content overflow issues when viewing the zoom gallery on product pages
- Fixed edit address popup not loading the correct region selector when a store has only one shipping country
- Fixed tag filtering not highlighting the current tag filter
- Fixed some structured data errors by implementing default schema from
- Fixed grid gallery not showing/sliding to correct image
- Fixed so multiple video sections used on one template won’t break
- Fixed vertical alignment on content cards in Collage and Slider section
- Fixed a variety of safari display issues
版本 7.5.0 September 3, 2024
I know a lot of you've been waiting for this - thanks for being paitent. This update includes a lot of fixes that have been poppping up recently. Translations have been sorted and lots of little bugs have been squashed.
- Add sign in with shop button
Fixes and improvements
- Create new rating snippet file so metafields can be swapped in one place
- Add missing color settings to newsletter block in menu
- Fix video crop in product gallery
- Fix missing image on featured product item
- Fix missing titles in quick search
- Fix missing translations
- Fix quick search from not using correct fetch URL
- Fix when variant selection options include space
- Fix quantity increment disabled incorrectly
- Fix mobile gallery when using grid view
- Fix special characters breaking option selection
- 大流量商店: 專為須在特定期間內處理大量交易的商店設計
- 實體店面: 專為進行實體銷售的商店設計
- 快速設定: 盡量簡化佈景主題設定步驟,縮短推出時間
Shopify Plus 專屬功能
- 合併商品資訊
- 使用資訊
- 動畫
- 原料或營養成分資訊
- 商品分頁
- 商品影片
- 商品選項
- 圖片庫
- 圖片熱點
- 圖片縮放
- 圖片變換
- 型錄
- 尺寸表
- 素材輪播
- 色樣
- 運送/配送資訊
- 高解析度圖片
- 加強型搜尋功能
- 商品篩選與分類
- 商品系列頁面導覽
- 回到頂端按鈕
- 固定式頁首
- 大型選單
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 無限捲動
- 色樣篩選條件
- 頁面路徑
- 交叉銷售
- 信任徽章
- 倒數計時器
- 可自訂的聯絡表單
- 商品徽章
- 媒體曝光
- 宣傳資訊圖塊
- 宣傳資訊彈出式視窗
- 宣傳資訊橫幅
- 常見問題頁面
- 年齡驗證工具
- 庫存計算工具
- 快速檢視
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 歐盟翻譯 (英文、法文、義大利文、德文、西班牙文)
- 網誌
- 選單內宣傳資訊
- 使用 Shop 登入
- 來店取貨
- 固定式購物車
- 滑出式購物車
- 禮品包裝
- 購物車備註
- 迅速購買
- 預購
30 則評論
這個佈景主題由 Brickspace Lab 支援
- 121 Mississaga St E, Orillia, ON, L3V 1V6, CA
- support@brickspacelab.com
版本 7.6.1 October 15, 2024
Bug fix.
版本 7.6.0 October 10, 2024
Big update! At least it feels like a big update. We’ve cleaned out a bunch of Safari display bugs and enriched our support for metaobject swatches while adding a lot of smaller but highly requested features and settings.
- New setting so each item in the product page gallery slider can be adjusted for both mobile and desktop
- New CSS to ensure consistent design of “Buy it now” buttons
- New tab block to show up to three tabs on product section
- New slider and arrow button to see more product links using the “Linked products” block when a page has many linked products
- Swatches now appear when using metaobject swatches even when option is not labeled “colour”
- New full screen zoom gallery on product pages that use more intuitive vertical scrolling
- New comparison table section
- New setting to choose to if collection filters are displayed on top or on the side
- New setting to change the width of items displayed in a product and collection slider
- Add support so videos can be used as the first media in a product card
- Revised liquid code with some performance improvements
- Improved 3d model component on product pages
- Improved color rendering when using a dark body background
- Update map store locator section to use Mapbox API
- Update collection sections to use “collection_list” input making it easier to select many collections
- Removed default background color on some images so .PNGs appear as expected with a transparent background
Fixes and improvements
- Fixed content overflow issues when viewing the zoom gallery on product pages
- Fixed edit address popup not loading the correct region selector when a store has only one shipping country
- Fixed tag filtering not highlighting the current tag filter
- Fixed some structured data errors by implementing default schema from
- Fixed grid gallery not showing/sliding to correct image
- Fixed so multiple video sections used on one template won’t break
- Fixed vertical alignment on content cards in Collage and Slider section
- Fixed a variety of safari display issues
版本 7.5.0 September 3, 2024
I know a lot of you've been waiting for this - thanks for being paitent. This update includes a lot of fixes that have been poppping up recently. Translations have been sorted and lots of little bugs have been squashed.
- Add sign in with shop button
Fixes and improvements
- Create new rating snippet file so metafields can be swapped in one place
- Add missing color settings to newsletter block in menu
- Fix video crop in product gallery
- Fix missing image on featured product item
- Fix missing titles in quick search
- Fix missing translations
- Fix quick search from not using correct fetch URL
- Fix when variant selection options include space
- Fix quantity increment disabled incorrectly
- Fix mobile gallery when using grid view
- Fix special characters breaking option selection
Shopify Theme Store,開店安心保證
Shopify Theme Store 中各佈景主題包含的內容
結合最新 Shopify 功能
Shopify Theme Store 的佈景主題會隨時更新,結合 Shopify 不斷創新的最新功能。
Shopify Theme Store 的所有佈景主題都符合 Shopify 效能標準,確保您的買家能享受更快速的購物體驗。
搭配自家產品、品牌色彩和專屬設定,免費試用佈景主題。將佈景主題發佈至商店後,僅需支付 $320 的單次買斷費用。
雖不包含示範商店,但您可從 Shopify Burst 取得免費圖庫相片。
自 Shopify Theme Store 取得最新的佈景主題功能與修正。您可以隨時重新下載已購買的佈景主題。