250 $ USD
- 100 % (2)
Entwickelt, um Ihre Conversions zu verbessern. Ihre Kunden werden Spaß beim Stöbern haben, von Sonderangeboten profitieren und schnell zur Kasse gehen.
Paper ist ein robustes und funktionsreiches Design. Mit den vielen fachmännisch gestalteten Drag-and-Drop-Abschnitten können Sie Ihre Marke ganz einfach zum Leben erwecken.
Für E-Commerce-Marken ist Geschwindigkeit entscheidend. Ein paar Sekunden können große Auswirkungen haben. Paper wurde von Anfang an mit Blick auf die Leistung entwickelt.
90 % Positiv
I know a lot of you've been waiting for this - thanks for being paitent. This update includes a lot of fixes that have been poppping up recently. Translations have been sorted and lots of little bugs have been squashed.
Happy July! This new update is focused mostly on developer experience, with one or two bugfixes and one new section. We completely reworked our locale files, removed all duplicates and organized all translations into better categories.
Happy June! We have added new sections, support for new Shopify features, such as combined listing app and new swatch support for product options and filtering. As usual, we have also fixed a bunch of bugs. Enjoy!
90 % Positiv
Support took a bit longer than expected, but they solve my issues. Thank you!
Paper is a great theme. We were able to customize it to match our business and brand. The theme comes packed with lots of features and customizations - even for our business where ecommerce isn't our primary focus it still made sense to go with Shopify.
Love the different sections available in this theme. I removed several apps because this theme provided their functionality natively. Highly recommended.
I make a small change to the font size somewhere in the theme. Even irrelevant places are changing. Everywhere is connected to each other. This is ridiculous. Each section should have its own css code. This is the case for all themes. It's very simple to try and see. This is the first time I see such logic. I think the comments made in other comments about personalization do not reflect the truth.
Hi there - Really sorry you're having this issues. I'm not sure the approach you took changing the font on your theme. If you want to use theme-wide changes to theme fonts you can use typography settings. Otherwise - the Custom CSS feature would be your best bet for section-specific font changes.
I know a lot of you've been waiting for this - thanks for being paitent. This update includes a lot of fixes that have been poppping up recently. Translations have been sorted and lots of little bugs have been squashed.
Happy July! This new update is focused mostly on developer experience, with one or two bugfixes and one new section. We completely reworked our locale files, removed all duplicates and organized all translations into better categories.
Happy June! We have added new sections, support for new Shopify features, such as combined listing app and new swatch support for product options and filtering. As usual, we have also fixed a bunch of bugs. Enjoy!
Was ist in jedem Theme aus dem Theme Store enthalten?
Die Themes im Shopify Theme Store sind garantiert auf dem neuesten Stand und mit dem ständig wachsenden Funktionsumfang von Shopify kompatibel.
Jedes Theme im Theme Store erfüllt die Performance-Standards von Shopify und bietet deinen Käufern ein schnelleres Einkaufserlebnis.
Teste das Theme kostenlos mit deinen eigenen Produkten, den Farben deiner Marke und deinen Anpassungen. Es wird eine einmalige Zahlung von 320 $ fällig, wenn du das Theme in deinem Shop veröffentlichst.
Demo-Shop sind nicht enthalten, aber bei Shopify Burst findest du kostenlose Stock-Fotos.
Hol dir die neuesten Funktionen und Fixes für Themes aus dem Theme Store. Du kannst deinen Kauf jederzeit erneut herunterladen.
Deine Zahlung berechtigt dich dazu, das Theme in einem einzigen Shop zu nutzen und es so lange zu behalten, wie du möchtest.
250 $ USD
300 $ USD
260 $ USD
300 $ USD
320 $ USD