320 $ USD
- 92 % (12)
Stylový design, živé barvy a nádherné obrázky, včetně doporučených souvisejících produktů, oblíbených položek pro maximalizaci každého prodeje bez námahy.
Užijte si funkci panelu nabídek, podporu v reálném čase, optimalizaci SEO s vysokou rychlostí. Zvyšte výkon a vylepšete uživatelský zážitek bez námahy.
Prozkoumejte více než 30 sekcí a zažijte flexibilní design s možnostmi přizpůsobení. Nahraďte více aplikací vestavěnými funkcemi a ušetřete peníze.
Wonderful theme, I had requested their support on adding new feature, and they agreed to it and helped in achieving the desired results. Great Job.
Great and easy restaurant theme. It offered nearly all the functionalities a restaurant website could ask for. Even with limited technical knowledge, I was able to tailor the theme to perfectly match our restaurant's brand identity. Lastly, support was the most important thing for us, and the developer were incredibly helpful and responsive throughout the customization process. Highly recommended!
Its really great, custumer service is great!
I loved the service and the support was the best. I recommend that you use this template because it has very professional characteristics.
We have replaced the font family with a new font.
We've added the ability to show Trust-Building Information in Cart Payment Icon. Also the ability to show product slider in single blog post sidebar has been added. In product single page the ability to add image with icon has been added also.
We've added the ability to add tabs to an existing section, countdow timer has been added to another existing section. Some design improvements has been done. We have replaced two old presets "Health & Beauty" and "Kids & Baby" with two new presets named "Meat & Butcher" and "Cake & Bakery"
Wonderful theme, I had requested their support on adding new feature, and they agreed to it and helped in achieving the desired results. Great Job.
Great and easy restaurant theme. It offered nearly all the functionalities a restaurant website could ask for. Even with limited technical knowledge, I was able to tailor the theme to perfectly match our restaurant's brand identity. Lastly, support was the most important thing for us, and the developer were incredibly helpful and responsive throughout the customization process. Highly recommended!
Its really great, custumer service is great!
I loved the service and the support was the best. I recommend that you use this template because it has very professional characteristics.
We have replaced the font family with a new font.
We've added the ability to show Trust-Building Information in Cart Payment Icon. Also the ability to show product slider in single blog post sidebar has been added. In product single page the ability to add image with icon has been added also.
We've added the ability to add tabs to an existing section, countdow timer has been added to another existing section. Some design improvements has been done. We have replaced two old presets "Health & Beauty" and "Kids & Baby" with two new presets named "Meat & Butcher" and "Cake & Bakery"
Co je k dispozici u každého motivu v obchodě s motivy
Motivy z obchodu s motivy Shopify zaručují aktuálnost a kompatibilitu s neustále se rozšiřující sadou funkcí Shopify.
Každý motiv z obchodu s motivy splňuje výkonnostní standardy Shopify a zajišťuje kupujícím rychlejší nákupní prostředí.
Motiv můžete vyzkoušet zdarma a nastavit jej u svých produktů, upravit podle barev své značky nebo přizpůsobit jiným způsobem. Zaplatíte jednorázovou platbu ve výši 260 $, pokud motiv zveřejníte ve svém obchodě.
Demoverze obchodu nejsou k dispozici, můžete však zdarma získat licencované fotografie z fotobanky Shopify Burst.
Získáte nejnovější funkce a opravy z obchodu s motivy. Nakoupené produkty si můžete kdykoli znovu stáhnout.
Po zaplacení máte nárok na použití příslušného motivu v jediném obchodě. Motiv můžete používat, jak dlouho chcete.