$380 USD
Look テーマで化粧品店を変身させましょう。カスタマイズ可能なテーマで美容製品をエレガントに展示し、顧客を引き付け、売上を伸ばしましょう。
Look テーマでショッピング体験を向上させましょう。合理化されたナビゲーション、簡単なチェックアウト、カートから購入までのシームレスなプロセス。
Look テーマで収益を最大化します。販売重視のデザインで顧客を引き付け、プロモーションを強調し、コンバージョンを促進します。
- クイック設定: テーマの設定手順が最小限で、速やかな公開が可能
- 取引量の多いストア: 一定期間に大量の取引を処理するストア向けに設計
- 年齢制限のある商品: 宝くじやアルコール、たばこなど年齢制限のある商品の販売に対応します
- カートメモ
- クイック購入
- スライドアウトカート
- 予約注文
- EU翻訳 (英、仏、伊、独、西)
- おすすめ商品
- よくある質問ページ
- カウントダウンタイマー
- カスタマイズ可能なお問い合わせフォーム
- クイックビュー
- クロスセル
- ブログ
- プロモーションバナー
- プロモーションポップアップ
- メニュー内プロモーション
- 商品バッジ
- 在庫カウンター
- 年齢認証機能
- アニメーション
- サイズ表
- スライドショー
- ビフォー・アフターの画像をスライド表示
- ルックブック
- 使用用途に関する情報
- 商品のオプション
- 商品タブ
- 商品動画
- 成分または栄養に関する情報
- 画像のズーム
- 画像のホットスポット
- 画像のロールオーバー
- 画像ギャラリー
- 色の見本
- 配送・配達情報
- 高画質の画像
- 「トップに戻る」ボタン
- おすすめ商品
- コレクションページメニュー
- パンくず
- メガメニュー
- 商品の絞り込みと並び替え
- 常時表示ヘッダー
- 拡張検索
- 無限スクロール
このテーマは、Webibazaar Templatesによってサポートされています
- 403, Amora Arcade, Near Mouni International School,, Utran, Surat, Gujarat 394105, Surat, GJ, 394105, IN
- info@webibazaar.com
バージョン1.0.3 September 25, 2024
- Important: A new global setting has been added for the product card review app.
- Important: A new section for offers has been introduced.
- New settings have been added for image height in the offers banner section.
- New settings have been added for image and image overlay opacity in the offers banner section.
- New settings have been added for content elements such as headings, heading sizes, descriptions, buttons, etc.
- Countdown timer-related settings have been added to the offers banner section.
- Marquee-related settings have been added to the offers banner section.
- A new setting has been introduced in the header to determine whether main menu links are redirectable.
- An option for a subheading has been added in the compare image section.
- A new setting for before/after content positioning has been added in the compare image section.
- A new setting for the first style side image in the testimonials section has been added.
- A new setting for content positioning, such as "with two images centered," has been added in the image with text section.
- A new setting for content alignment has been introduced in the image with text section.
- A new setting for content icons has been added in the video section.
- A new setting for side images has been added in the collapsible content section.
- A new setting for image ratio has been added in the collapsible content section.
- A new setting has been added in the collapsible content section for image visibility, such as "show side image on hover."
- A new setting for the width of side image media has been added in the collapsible content section.
- A new block has been introduced in the featured product section for product countdowns.
- New settings for timer background color and text color have been added in the featured product section.
- A new block for inventory status has been added in the featured product section.
- All inventory-related settings have been included in the "Inventory Status" block.
- A price visibility feature has been added to the "Inventory Status" product block.
Fixes & improvements
- Country Search: The search functionality for country selection has been enhanced.
- The color variant swatches in product cards and on the product page have been improved.
- Various design-related issues throughout the theme have been addressed.
- The display of customer avatars has been enhanced.
- A column gap has been added on desktop in the multistore section.
- A setting has been introduced to enable or disable the content background in the newsletter section.
- The newsletter popup has been fixed to ensure that its open/close effects function as intended.
- Grammatical errors across the entire theme have been corrected.
- Issues with the update and add buttons on the address page have been fixed.
- The background for the "Add to Cart" button has been removed when only the button is available.
- The opening and closing effects of the search drawer have been made smoother.
- Global color configuration settings now apply to the product page as well.
- An option for full descriptions has been added to the product information section.
バージョン1.0.2 July 12, 2024
バージョン1.0.1 July 9, 2024
- Important: Add an auto-play slider option in the collection list section.
Fixes and other improvements
- Improve the banner design to ensure the content is displayed properly.
- Fix the grid issues throughout the entire theme.
- Fix the design issue with the video media in the quick view drawer.
- Fix the variant tab issue on the product page.
- Fix the console error in the lookbook section.
- Fix the button spacing issue.
- Implemented several updates to the user interface.
- クイック設定: テーマの設定手順が最小限で、速やかな公開が可能
- 取引量の多いストア: 一定期間に大量の取引を処理するストア向けに設計
- 年齢制限のある商品: 宝くじやアルコール、たばこなど年齢制限のある商品の販売に対応します
- カートメモ
- クイック購入
- スライドアウトカート
- 予約注文
- EU翻訳 (英、仏、伊、独、西)
- おすすめ商品
- よくある質問ページ
- カウントダウンタイマー
- カスタマイズ可能なお問い合わせフォーム
- クイックビュー
- クロスセル
- ブログ
- プロモーションバナー
- プロモーションポップアップ
- メニュー内プロモーション
- 商品バッジ
- 在庫カウンター
- 年齢認証機能
- アニメーション
- サイズ表
- スライドショー
- ビフォー・アフターの画像をスライド表示
- ルックブック
- 使用用途に関する情報
- 商品のオプション
- 商品タブ
- 商品動画
- 成分または栄養に関する情報
- 画像のズーム
- 画像のホットスポット
- 画像のロールオーバー
- 画像ギャラリー
- 色の見本
- 配送・配達情報
- 高画質の画像
- 「トップに戻る」ボタン
- おすすめ商品
- コレクションページメニュー
- パンくず
- メガメニュー
- 商品の絞り込みと並び替え
- 常時表示ヘッダー
- 拡張検索
- 無限スクロール
このテーマは、Webibazaar Templatesによってサポートされています
- 403, Amora Arcade, Near Mouni International School,, Utran, Surat, Gujarat 394105, Surat, GJ, 394105, IN
- info@webibazaar.com
バージョン1.0.3 September 25, 2024
- Important: A new global setting has been added for the product card review app.
- Important: A new section for offers has been introduced.
- New settings have been added for image height in the offers banner section.
- New settings have been added for image and image overlay opacity in the offers banner section.
- New settings have been added for content elements such as headings, heading sizes, descriptions, buttons, etc.
- Countdown timer-related settings have been added to the offers banner section.
- Marquee-related settings have been added to the offers banner section.
- A new setting has been introduced in the header to determine whether main menu links are redirectable.
- An option for a subheading has been added in the compare image section.
- A new setting for before/after content positioning has been added in the compare image section.
- A new setting for the first style side image in the testimonials section has been added.
- A new setting for content positioning, such as "with two images centered," has been added in the image with text section.
- A new setting for content alignment has been introduced in the image with text section.
- A new setting for content icons has been added in the video section.
- A new setting for side images has been added in the collapsible content section.
- A new setting for image ratio has been added in the collapsible content section.
- A new setting has been added in the collapsible content section for image visibility, such as "show side image on hover."
- A new setting for the width of side image media has been added in the collapsible content section.
- A new block has been introduced in the featured product section for product countdowns.
- New settings for timer background color and text color have been added in the featured product section.
- A new block for inventory status has been added in the featured product section.
- All inventory-related settings have been included in the "Inventory Status" block.
- A price visibility feature has been added to the "Inventory Status" product block.
Fixes & improvements
- Country Search: The search functionality for country selection has been enhanced.
- The color variant swatches in product cards and on the product page have been improved.
- Various design-related issues throughout the theme have been addressed.
- The display of customer avatars has been enhanced.
- A column gap has been added on desktop in the multistore section.
- A setting has been introduced to enable or disable the content background in the newsletter section.
- The newsletter popup has been fixed to ensure that its open/close effects function as intended.
- Grammatical errors across the entire theme have been corrected.
- Issues with the update and add buttons on the address page have been fixed.
- The background for the "Add to Cart" button has been removed when only the button is available.
- The opening and closing effects of the search drawer have been made smoother.
- Global color configuration settings now apply to the product page as well.
- An option for full descriptions has been added to the product information section.
バージョン1.0.2 July 12, 2024
バージョン1.0.1 July 9, 2024
- Important: Add an auto-play slider option in the collection list section.
Fixes and other improvements
- Improve the banner design to ensure the content is displayed properly.
- Fix the grid issues throughout the entire theme.
- Fix the design issue with the video media in the quick view drawer.
- Fix the variant tab issue on the product page.
- Fix the console error in the lookbook section.
- Fix the button spacing issue.
- Implemented several updates to the user interface.
自信をもって構築 — テーマストアの約束
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。