$320 USD
パフォーマンスと顧客への最高のショッピング エクスペリエンスを提供するために最適化された当社のショッピング カート エクスペリエンスを活用してください。
色、タイポグラフィ、CTA、フィルターの色をカスタマイズします。汎用性が高いため、Polyform はあらゆるブランドに最適です。
- 取引量の多いストア: 一定期間に大量の取引を処理するストア向けに設計
- 実店舗: 実店舗販売を行うストア向けに設計
- ビジュアルストーリーテリング: ブランドのビジュアルストーリーテリングに対応した画像を使えるように設計
- カートメモ
- クイック購入
- スライドアウトカート
- 実店舗受け取り
- EU翻訳 (英、仏、伊、独、西)
- おすすめ商品
- よくある質問ページ
- クイックビュー
- クロスセル
- ブログ
- プロモーションバナー
- 在庫カウンター
- アニメーション
- サイズ表
- スライドショー
- ルックブック
- 使用用途に関する情報
- 商品のオプション
- 商品動画
- 画像のズーム
- 画像のロールオーバー
- 画像ギャラリー
- 色の見本
- 配送・配達情報
- 高画質の画像
- おすすめ商品
- パンくず
- メガメニュー
- 商品の絞り込みと並び替え
- 常時表示ヘッダー
- 拡張検索
- 無限スクロール
- Zimna 2, Banska Bystrica, 97405, SK
- info@smartbase.sk
バージョン2.0.0 September 13, 2024
This release includes a major update with the addition of a new theme style option called Mellow, making the theme now available in two distinct styles to better suit your brand. We've also introduced icon selection for Information cards and the Benefits section, custom color options for various elements, and an "Out of stock" badge on product cards. Additional updates include a very new sidebar filter option, new color picker styles for product cards, and Hungarian language support. We've improved the gallery zoom on mobile devices and refined the primary color setting for a smoother user experience.
- Added new Theme Style option named Mellow
- Added icon selection to Information cards and Benefits section
- Custom color options for various sections and blocks
- Added "Out of stock" badge on product cards
- Added Color picker style options (circle and square) for product cards
- Added sidebar filter option
- Added Hungarian language translations
- Moved product card swatch settings from collection settings into global product card settings
Fixes and other improvements
- Important: Fixed primary color setting. Please check your color settings and make sure you have your colors set correctly.
- Fixed gallery zoom on mobile devices
- Other minor fixes
バージョン1.2.0 August 15, 2024
This release includes new features and improvements: You can now display product images or color swatches in the product detail view with adjustable swatch sizes. We've added more image aspect ratios, payment badges in the cart, a language selector in the header, a country/currency picker in the footer, and Slovak language support. New features include a scroll to the top button and a sticky cart. The customer login text is now editable, and the benefits section is allowed in the footer.
Additionally, we improved the initial page load, fixed the product tabs slider not updating correctly, fixed the collapsible content section on mobile, and made out-of-stock variants selectable in the product detail.
- Added new setting to display either product images or color swatches in product detail view.
- Added options to adjust color swatch size (small, medium, large).
- Additional product image aspect ratio options (square, portrait, landscape).
- Added option to show payment badges in cart and cart drawer.
- Added option to enable language selector in the header and country/currency picker in the footer.
- Added "Back to Top" button.
- Added sticky cart functionality.
- Added Slovak language translations.
- Changed customer login text to be editable.
- Enabled out of stock product variants to be selectable in product detail view.
- Enabled Benefits section in the footer.
Fixes and other improvements
- Enhanced initial page load speed.
- Fixed an issue where the slider in product tabs section did not update correctly when switching between desktop and mobile views
- Fixed mobile view in collapsible content section when heading position was set to left.
バージョン1.1.0 July 15, 2024
This release includes an added FAQ page template and section (Collapsible content), infinite scroll option for collections, theme translations, fix for color swatches, fix for show more/less button on product page, and some other minor fixes and improvements.
- Theme translations (ES, FR, DE, IT)
- FAQ page template
- Collapsible content section
- Infinite scroll option for collections
Fixes and other improvements
- Removed redundant footer logo field since the footer uses the theme settings
- Fixed show more/less button on product page
- Fixed colors to work with new color swatches
- 取引量の多いストア: 一定期間に大量の取引を処理するストア向けに設計
- 実店舗: 実店舗販売を行うストア向けに設計
- ビジュアルストーリーテリング: ブランドのビジュアルストーリーテリングに対応した画像を使えるように設計
- カートメモ
- クイック購入
- スライドアウトカート
- 実店舗受け取り
- EU翻訳 (英、仏、伊、独、西)
- おすすめ商品
- よくある質問ページ
- クイックビュー
- クロスセル
- ブログ
- プロモーションバナー
- 在庫カウンター
- アニメーション
- サイズ表
- スライドショー
- ルックブック
- 使用用途に関する情報
- 商品のオプション
- 商品動画
- 画像のズーム
- 画像のロールオーバー
- 画像ギャラリー
- 色の見本
- 配送・配達情報
- 高画質の画像
- おすすめ商品
- パンくず
- メガメニュー
- 商品の絞り込みと並び替え
- 常時表示ヘッダー
- 拡張検索
- 無限スクロール
- Zimna 2, Banska Bystrica, 97405, SK
- info@smartbase.sk
バージョン2.0.0 September 13, 2024
This release includes a major update with the addition of a new theme style option called Mellow, making the theme now available in two distinct styles to better suit your brand. We've also introduced icon selection for Information cards and the Benefits section, custom color options for various elements, and an "Out of stock" badge on product cards. Additional updates include a very new sidebar filter option, new color picker styles for product cards, and Hungarian language support. We've improved the gallery zoom on mobile devices and refined the primary color setting for a smoother user experience.
- Added new Theme Style option named Mellow
- Added icon selection to Information cards and Benefits section
- Custom color options for various sections and blocks
- Added "Out of stock" badge on product cards
- Added Color picker style options (circle and square) for product cards
- Added sidebar filter option
- Added Hungarian language translations
- Moved product card swatch settings from collection settings into global product card settings
Fixes and other improvements
- Important: Fixed primary color setting. Please check your color settings and make sure you have your colors set correctly.
- Fixed gallery zoom on mobile devices
- Other minor fixes
バージョン1.2.0 August 15, 2024
This release includes new features and improvements: You can now display product images or color swatches in the product detail view with adjustable swatch sizes. We've added more image aspect ratios, payment badges in the cart, a language selector in the header, a country/currency picker in the footer, and Slovak language support. New features include a scroll to the top button and a sticky cart. The customer login text is now editable, and the benefits section is allowed in the footer.
Additionally, we improved the initial page load, fixed the product tabs slider not updating correctly, fixed the collapsible content section on mobile, and made out-of-stock variants selectable in the product detail.
- Added new setting to display either product images or color swatches in product detail view.
- Added options to adjust color swatch size (small, medium, large).
- Additional product image aspect ratio options (square, portrait, landscape).
- Added option to show payment badges in cart and cart drawer.
- Added option to enable language selector in the header and country/currency picker in the footer.
- Added "Back to Top" button.
- Added sticky cart functionality.
- Added Slovak language translations.
- Changed customer login text to be editable.
- Enabled out of stock product variants to be selectable in product detail view.
- Enabled Benefits section in the footer.
Fixes and other improvements
- Enhanced initial page load speed.
- Fixed an issue where the slider in product tabs section did not update correctly when switching between desktop and mobile views
- Fixed mobile view in collapsible content section when heading position was set to left.
バージョン1.1.0 July 15, 2024
This release includes an added FAQ page template and section (Collapsible content), infinite scroll option for collections, theme translations, fix for color swatches, fix for show more/less button on product page, and some other minor fixes and improvements.
- Theme translations (ES, FR, DE, IT)
- FAQ page template
- Collapsible content section
- Infinite scroll option for collections
Fixes and other improvements
- Removed redundant footer logo field since the footer uses the theme settings
- Fixed show more/less button on product page
- Fixed colors to work with new color swatches
自信をもって構築 — テーマストアの約束
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。