$320 USD
- 78% (9)
究極の贅沢でハイエンドな美観を実現するために熟練の職人が作り上げました。製品とブランド アイデンティティを強調するエレガントなデザインの機能。
新しい機能と 30 以上の高度に設定可能なセクションが満載。魅力的なストアを作成し、ブランドを宣伝するための究極のツールです。
超高速のパフォーマンスとアクセシビリティを重視したテーマでオンライン ストアのレベルを高めます。シームレスなブラウジングのパワーを解き放ちます。
An elegant, sophisticated theme that has some nice features and customization options. Maybe would have liked a few more options for font styles. Had to contact support for a small issue and was contacted promptly and Zor Lima pointed me in the right direction to get it done quickly.
I had an issue with the collection page, and I received a response within 24 hours. The problem was resolved quickly and easily with a clear and thorough solution. Excellent support, and a big thank you to Ana-Lucia for her help!
It was a pleasure to solve a problem with Karla Stromberg who was very professional and helpful in understanding and solving my problem with the theme search. 5 stars well deserved!
Customer Support is the best! Thank you as always.
By removing a specific attribute when embedding YouTube video, we could workaround this issue. Unfortunately, applying this workaround also appeared to have another side-effect: videos could not loop anymore, because YouTube requires this specific attribute to allow looping.
There is, as a consequence, no 100% safe implementation when using YouTube videos that can guarantee a flawless result. We have brought back the previous implementation to ensure looping works, but this means that, under some circumstances, video might not play on page load.
All those issues are unrelated to the theme, but are bugs of YouTube platform itself.
As a long term solution, we highly encourage merchants to NOT use YouTube when embed videos on their store, and use either Vimeo (if you need to host the video outside Shopify) or, even better, host your videos directly on Shopify. Hosting videos on Shopify has many important benefits over using YouTube:
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。