- 30 % (37)
Seien Sie mit unserem Thema eine herausragende Marke, die mit den Giganten konkurriert. Schnellansicht, Verkaufsargumente und ansprechende Videos.
Verwandeln Sie Ihren Online-Shop mit außergewöhnlicher Leistung und einem Design, das auf Barrierefreiheit ausgerichtet ist. Sorgfältig gestaltet von DigiFist.
Erreichen Sie eine perfekte Mischung aus Raffinesse und Kühnheit. Essence bietet stromlinienförmige Eleganz mit über 30 Abschnitten, während Grasse einen kühnen Imp
92 % Positiv
Release has been a wonderful theme—truly a refreshing change. Paul has been incredibly helpful and patient, showing me how the Shopify back-end ties into the theme’s features. I run an online clothing and accessories store and love how professional and user-friendly Release looks. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone seeking a versatile, modern Shopify theme.
Every time we needed help, we got a quick response and resolution, advice and guidance. 5 stars, 10 points, etc. Theme and support exactly what we needed.
Great customer service and great template. So far, we love our experience.
I am very satisfied with this theme, especially with the customer service. I encountered a few issues, and the support team was very friendly and responsive. This is a real strong point
In this release, we've introduced new features, made improvements, and fixed bugs to enhance the user experience of the Release Theme.
Replaced custom color swatches with native Shopify swatches for better compatibility.
Added image support for filters to enhance product filtering options.
Implemented a terms checkbox in the newsletter form to ensure legal compliance.
Introduced a Sale Ended text feature to the announcement bar countdown timer.
Applied styling to the native cookie banner for a more cohesive design.
Added swatch view to the dropdown on PDP to improve visual clarity.
Optimized text card block layouts on PLP.
Enhanced slideshow layouts in the multitile section to improve presentation when no images are available.
Adjusted heading alignment in accordions on PDP to ensure they are properly centered.
Updated the auto-height aspect ratio behavior in page banners when media is absent.
Refined line heights across the theme to improve readability and consistency.
Improved block spacing on PDP to ensure better alignment and visual clarity.
Fixed an issue related to variant with images not displaying correctly on PDP.
Resolved an issue with the cart drawer layout on iOS devices where it appeared too short.
Corrected the default description display issue on the page banner.
Addressed issues where external videos were not displaying properly in the carousel and page banner sections.
Fixed a visual issue with the swatch placeholder, ensuring it no longer appears broken.
Resolved transparency issues affecting header navigation items on PLP.
Fixed buggy pagination behavior related to dynamic dots on PDP.
Corrected layout issues with the contact form and filter drawer functionality on PLP.
Fixed discounted price on cart page to ensure it displays correctly.
Corrected shrinking product card issue on PLP.
Fixed the gallery arrow functionality to prevent unwanted text selection on double-click.
Corrected an issue with lazy loading implementation on product cards.
Fixed inventory notice behavior to ensure it updates correctly based on the selected variant on PDP.
Corrected other variants display issue on product cards.
Fixed image view issue on the compare slider section.
In this release, we’ve made significant steps by introducing a wide range of new features, improvements, and bug fixes to greatly enhance the user experience of the Release Theme.
Added a new preset named Living to the theme.
Updated theme icons to the latest version.
Introduced stroke width and corner shape customization for icons.
Added an interactive banner section.
Included variant-specific discount badges for the PDP, product card and highlight products.
Introduced a sub-collection feature for PLP (Product Listing Page) with a featured collections section.
Added a Cart Terms feature to both the cart page and cart drawer.
Implemented a new share layout for blog articles.
Added a load previous functionality for the “load more” pagination option.
Included a custom menu option.
Introduced a swatch limit option for the product card.
Added a Sale Ended feature to the announcement bar countdown timer.
Added a vendor option to the featured products section.
Implemented accelerated checkout button variables.
Enhanced cart page layout and functionality for a smoother user experience.
Optimized hero banner layouts for tablet and mobile devices.
Refined menu layout and functionality.
Improved product card layout and functionality.
Enhanced search area design and functionality.
Upgraded PDP layout for a better experience.
Enhanced layout and functionality across all sections.
Improved header, footer, and social media highlight section layouts.
Resolved various Quick Add to Cart drawer issues.
Fixed multiple cart drawer issues.
Corrected zoom problems on input fields for iOS devices.
Fixed the share button functionality on blog articles.
Resolved contact form issues on the contact page.
Fixed the filter drawer functionality on PLP.
Addressed an overlapping issue in the address area on the customer account page.
Resolved several issues with PDP, PLP, and product card functionality.
Fixed the password modal design issue.
Corrected an empty cart drawer content issue.
In this release, we've fixed cruical bugs to enhance the user experience of the Release Theme.
Resolved the important issues on the PDP.
Fixed padding issue on full width banner section.
Fixed multitile slideshow progress timing issue.
Was ist in jedem Theme aus dem Theme Store enthalten?
Die Themes im Shopify Theme Store sind garantiert auf dem neuesten Stand und mit dem ständig wachsenden Funktionsumfang von Shopify kompatibel.
Jedes Theme im Theme Store erfüllt die Performance-Standards von Shopify und bietet deinen Käufern ein schnelleres Einkaufserlebnis.
Teste das Theme kostenlos mit deinen eigenen Produkten, den Farben deiner Marke und deinen Anpassungen. Es wird eine einmalige Zahlung von 400 $ fällig, wenn du das Theme in deinem Shop veröffentlichst.
Demo-Shop sind nicht enthalten, aber bei Shopify Burst findest du kostenlose Stock-Fotos.
Hol dir die neuesten Funktionen und Fixes für Themes aus dem Theme Store. Du kannst deinen Kauf jederzeit erneut herunterladen.
Deine Zahlung berechtigt dich dazu, das Theme in einem einzigen Shop zu nutzen und es so lange zu behalten, wie du möchtest.
400 $ USD
360 $ USD
320 $ USD