280 $ USD
- 92 % (171)
Auf Perfektion ausgelegt. Schlank, stilvoll und professionell. Ihr Shop, jetzt mit den wichtigsten Funktionen. Machen Sie ihn modern. Machen Sie ihn zu Ihrem.
Ein Kauf. Drei Voreinstellungen. Unendliche Möglichkeiten. Freuen Sie sich auf lebenslange Innovation und Support. Alles ist hier. Nur für Sie.
Gestalten Sie Farben, Bilder und Layout für Ihre Marke. Tauchen Sie ein in einzigartige Themen. Ihr Ausdruck, Ihr Weg. Es liegt alles in Ihrer Hand.
95 % Positiv
In this release, we've added new features, made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Added 50/50 layout for hero banner section.
Added accelerated checkout variables.
Resolved HTML error in the header.liquid file.
Fixed an issue where share buttons were not functioning as expected on blog posts.
Addressed an issue with the navigation menu.
Corrected the description accordion icon on the PDP.
Removed the unnecessary 'View in space' button on PDP for iOS devices.
Fixed the selling plan issue following variant selection on PDP.
Adjusted the only content behavior on the dual tiles section.
Addressed some issues related to adapt to content option on dual tiles section.
Fixed the issue when clicking the swatch on shop the look section.
Corrected arrow icons not functioning as expected in the shoppable section.
Fixed thumb aspect ratio issues within the shoppable section drawer.
Addressed customizer issues related to the shoppable section.
Corrected some styling issues of the shoppable section.
In this release, we've added new features, made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Added RTL support.
Added a collapsible content block to the PDP.
Improved PDP variants for BIS app support.
Improved PLP , PDP section settings.
Fixed header navigation hover issue.
Resolved media gallery height issue on PDP.
Resolved Shoppable section issues.
Corrected clickabe links under age verification pop up issue.
Fixed cart page accesibility issues.
Resolved mobile issues on announcement bar.
Fixed media layout issues on dual tiles section.
In this release, we've added new features, made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Added a Shoppable Socials section.
Introduced a sign-up form in the countdown section.
Added a read more feature to the PDP content tab description.
Replaced the cookie banner with the native Shopify cookie banner.
Improved the shipping threshold money format support.
Enhanced the user experience of the infinite scroll feature on the PLP.
Fixed the issue where the quantity input doesn’t exist on the PDP.
Resolved the form issue when it doesn’t exist on the PDP.
Corrected the tag display issue on the blog page.
Fixed the wrong cart calculation issue when a product has a discount.
Resolved the spacing issue in the trust indicators section.
Fixed the disappearing dropdown menu issue.
Corrected the pagination active state issue on the PLP.
95 % Positiv
In this release, we've added new features, made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Added 50/50 layout for hero banner section.
Added accelerated checkout variables.
Resolved HTML error in the header.liquid file.
Fixed an issue where share buttons were not functioning as expected on blog posts.
Addressed an issue with the navigation menu.
Corrected the description accordion icon on the PDP.
Removed the unnecessary 'View in space' button on PDP for iOS devices.
Fixed the selling plan issue following variant selection on PDP.
Adjusted the only content behavior on the dual tiles section.
Addressed some issues related to adapt to content option on dual tiles section.
Fixed the issue when clicking the swatch on shop the look section.
Corrected arrow icons not functioning as expected in the shoppable section.
Fixed thumb aspect ratio issues within the shoppable section drawer.
Addressed customizer issues related to the shoppable section.
Corrected some styling issues of the shoppable section.
In this release, we've added new features, made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Added RTL support.
Added a collapsible content block to the PDP.
Improved PDP variants for BIS app support.
Improved PLP , PDP section settings.
Fixed header navigation hover issue.
Resolved media gallery height issue on PDP.
Resolved Shoppable section issues.
Corrected clickabe links under age verification pop up issue.
Fixed cart page accesibility issues.
Resolved mobile issues on announcement bar.
Fixed media layout issues on dual tiles section.
In this release, we've added new features, made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Added a Shoppable Socials section.
Introduced a sign-up form in the countdown section.
Added a read more feature to the PDP content tab description.
Replaced the cookie banner with the native Shopify cookie banner.
Improved the shipping threshold money format support.
Enhanced the user experience of the infinite scroll feature on the PLP.
Fixed the issue where the quantity input doesn’t exist on the PDP.
Resolved the form issue when it doesn’t exist on the PDP.
Corrected the tag display issue on the blog page.
Fixed the wrong cart calculation issue when a product has a discount.
Resolved the spacing issue in the trust indicators section.
Fixed the disappearing dropdown menu issue.
Corrected the pagination active state issue on the PLP.
Was ist in jedem Theme aus dem Theme Store enthalten?
Die Themes im Shopify Theme Store sind garantiert auf dem neuesten Stand und mit dem ständig wachsenden Funktionsumfang von Shopify kompatibel.
Jedes Theme im Theme Store erfüllt die Performance-Standards von Shopify und bietet deinen Käufern ein schnelleres Einkaufserlebnis.
Teste das Theme kostenlos mit deinen eigenen Produkten, den Farben deiner Marke und deinen Anpassungen. Es wird eine einmalige Zahlung von 380 $ fällig, wenn du das Theme in deinem Shop veröffentlichst.
Demo-Shop sind nicht enthalten, aber bei Shopify Burst findest du kostenlose Stock-Fotos.
Hol dir die neuesten Funktionen und Fixes für Themes aus dem Theme Store. Du kannst deinen Kauf jederzeit erneut herunterladen.
Deine Zahlung berechtigt dich dazu, das Theme in einem einzigen Shop zu nutzen und es so lange zu behalten, wie du möchtest.
280 $ USD
290 $ USD
220 $ USD
190 $ USD