280 $ USD
- 100 % (16)
Suunniteltu täydellisyyttä varten. Tyylikäs, tyylikäs ja ammattimainen. Kauppasi nyt tärkeillä ominaisuuksilla. Tee siitä moderni. Tee siitä omasi.
Yksi ostos. Kolme esiasetusta. Loputtomat mahdollisuudet. Hyödynnä elinikäinen innovaatio ja tuki. Kaikki on täällä. Vain sinulle.
Muotoile värit, visuaalit, asettelu brändillesi. Sukella ainutlaatuisiin teemoihin. Sinun ilmeesi, sinun tapasi. Kaikki on sinun käsissäsi.
95 % myönteinen
In this release, we've added new features, made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Added RTL support.
Added a collapsible content block to the PDP.
Improved PDP variants for BIS app support.
Improved PLP , PDP section settings.
Fixed header navigation hover issue.
Resolved media gallery height issue on PDP.
Resolved Shoppable section issues.
Corrected clickabe links under age verification pop up issue.
Fixed cart page accesibility issues.
Resolved mobile issues on announcement bar.
Fixed media layout issues on dual tiles section.
In this release, we've added new features, made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Added a Shoppable Socials section.
Introduced a sign-up form in the countdown section.
Added a read more feature to the PDP content tab description.
Replaced the cookie banner with the native Shopify cookie banner.
Improved the shipping threshold money format support.
Enhanced the user experience of the infinite scroll feature on the PLP.
Fixed the issue where the quantity input doesn’t exist on the PDP.
Resolved the form issue when it doesn’t exist on the PDP.
Corrected the tag display issue on the blog page.
Fixed the wrong cart calculation issue when a product has a discount.
Resolved the spacing issue in the trust indicators section.
Fixed the disappearing dropdown menu issue.
Corrected the pagination active state issue on the PLP.
In this release, we've made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Implemented free shipping threshold changes according to currency.
Improved the mobile view by hiding the scrollbar for horizontal categories.
Resolved an issue where the variant picker was not selecting the correct variant intermittently.
Addressed an issue where the quantity input max value is preventing products from being added to the cart when inventory tracking was disabled or products were sold out.
Fixed an error occurring when the source text content for inventory notice was empty.
Fixed an issue where the test orders were not displaying on the order page.
95 % myönteinen
In this release, we've added new features, made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Added RTL support.
Added a collapsible content block to the PDP.
Improved PDP variants for BIS app support.
Improved PLP , PDP section settings.
Fixed header navigation hover issue.
Resolved media gallery height issue on PDP.
Resolved Shoppable section issues.
Corrected clickabe links under age verification pop up issue.
Fixed cart page accesibility issues.
Resolved mobile issues on announcement bar.
Fixed media layout issues on dual tiles section.
In this release, we've added new features, made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Added a Shoppable Socials section.
Introduced a sign-up form in the countdown section.
Added a read more feature to the PDP content tab description.
Replaced the cookie banner with the native Shopify cookie banner.
Improved the shipping threshold money format support.
Enhanced the user experience of the infinite scroll feature on the PLP.
Fixed the issue where the quantity input doesn’t exist on the PDP.
Resolved the form issue when it doesn’t exist on the PDP.
Corrected the tag display issue on the blog page.
Fixed the wrong cart calculation issue when a product has a discount.
Resolved the spacing issue in the trust indicators section.
Fixed the disappearing dropdown menu issue.
Corrected the pagination active state issue on the PLP.
In this release, we've made some improvements and critical fixes to enhance the user experience of the Sahara Theme.
Implemented free shipping threshold changes according to currency.
Improved the mobile view by hiding the scrollbar for horizontal categories.
Resolved an issue where the variant picker was not selecting the correct variant intermittently.
Addressed an issue where the quantity input max value is preventing products from being added to the cart when inventory tracking was disabled or products were sold out.
Fixed an error occurring when the source text content for inventory notice was empty.
Fixed an issue where the test orders were not displaying on the order page.
Mitä jokaiseen Theme Storen teemaan sisältyy
Takaamme, että Shopify Theme Storen teemat ovat ajan tasalla ja toimivat Shopifyn jatkuvasti kasvavien ominaisuuksien kanssa.
Jokainen Theme Storen teema täyttää Shopifyn tehokkuussstandardit, ja takaa nopeamman ostokokemuksen asiakkaillesi.
Kokeile teemaa ilmaiseksi omilla tuotteillasi, brändiväreilläsi ja mukautuksillasi. Maksat kertamaksuna 380 $, jos julkaiset teeman kaupassasi.
Demokaupat eivät sisälly mukaan, mutta ilmaisia kuvapankkikuvia on saatavilla täältä: Shopify Burst.
Hanki uusimmat teemaominaisuudet ja -korjaukset teemakaupasta. Voit ladata ostoksesi uudelleen milloin tahansa.
Maksu oikeuttaa sinua käyttämään teemaa yhdessä kaupassa rajoittamattoman ajan.
280 $ USD
350 $ USD
320 $ USD