$380 USD
- 100% (10)
すべてのページでドラッグ アンド ドロップ セクションを使用します。ポップアップ、お客様の声、画像/ビデオ ギャラリーなど、20 のセクションがあります。
必要なものがすべて揃っています。高度な製品フィルタリング、パフォーマンス、柔軟なセクション、コンバージョン重視のプロモーション ツールなど。
Showcase の滑らかなアニメーションとシームレスなビデオ統合により、プレミアムで洗練されたショッピング体験を実現します。
I love the theme. But the customer service is WONDERFUL! Very fast, clear, neat, just really really good. Shout out to Mitch. Because of the service, I now have a site that I'm really happy with and that I think is going to be very effective.
Hi, First Adventures Amsterdam. Thanks for the feedback. I hope to make my way back over there again sometime for a second-time adventure in Amsterdam as it's been far too long. Mitch :)
Showcase is quite simply a stunning template. The way it is designed to let the images and videos do the talking is exactly what I was looking for to bring my products to life. The support I have received throughout has been absolutely incredible. I worked with Mitch (he is just brilliant) and he supported and encouraged me every step of the way. A huge thank you. You are the best!
Hi KHOAL. Thank you for the kind and thoughtful feedback. Was really great to work with you. The site looks incredible. Mitch
Support team is AMAZING! (shout out to Darren!) We had an issue integrating our review app because of the json/liquid update, but Darren was so knowledgeable and explained what was going on and fixed the issue (when the other app couldn't even give us the correct answer....) Highly recommend, Thank you!!
Thanks for the feedback Pellatini. I informed Darren of your comments and he is glad he was able to help out with your questions. Keep up the great work. Mitch
Great theme. Very modern with a lot of flexibility. Good support as well if you run in to any issues!
Thanks, Lan 44. Glad you like Showcase and happy we were able to help you out with your questions. Mitch
The country/currency dropdowns have been updated to support Shopify Markets, and some other minor updates.
We’ve improved the product page, adding settings to allow for less scrolling through imagery and increased visibility of the product details.
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。
$380 USD
$290 USD
$320 USD
$250 USD