$400 USD
- 94% (233)
すべてのページでドラッグ アンド ドロップ セクションを使用します。ポップアップ、お客様の声、画像/ビデオ ギャラリーなど、20 のセクションがあります。
必要なものがすべて揃っています。高度な製品フィルタリング、パフォーマンス、柔軟なセクション、コンバージョン重視のプロモーション ツールなど。
Showcase の滑らかなアニメーションとシームレスなビデオ統合により、プレミアムで洗練されたショッピング体験を実現します。
So far I have been very happy with the theme - some small glitches with the translation of the theme not being in Finnish, but the theme support was very helpful resolving those issues.
Hi Sinua - thanks for the lovely review and greatly appreciate you taking the time! Definitely challenging for us to try and cater for all languages [most translation is dependent on the platform]. So glad we got to help you unblock your challenges! Wishing you every success from all the Clean Canvas team!
Beautiful theme, easy to customize and the support has always been helpful.
Hi Omba - thanks so much for the lovely review and delighted your finding the use of SHOWCASE easy and versatile. Wishing you every success from all the Clean Canvas team!
First things first. The theme is fantastic. Great functionality and design aesthetic. Second the guys at Clean Canvas are incredible with support and making sure things are running smoothly. Attentive and very responsive. 10/10.
HI Good Citizens Eyewear - thanks so much for the amazing review and we are always happy to see our themes help supercharge great stores like yours! Wishing you every success from all the Clean Canvas team!
Showcase is an excellent theme but the service from Clean Canva is truly spectacular. The theme may cost more but if you want a more premium UI and overall branding, along with superb customer service, I would definitely recommend Showcase or any of the Clean Canva themes.
Set Betty as the default preset
New fonts selected to replace ones that were deprecated
Added support for new Shopify features, some general improvements and a few bug fixes
Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。
デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。
$400 USD
$390 USD
$230 USD
$360 USD