160 $ USD
- 100 % (6)
Verwenden Sie Drag-and-Drop-Abschnitte auf jeder Seite. 20 Abschnitte, darunter Popup, Testimonials, Bild-/Videogalerie und vieles mehr.
Vollgepackt mit allem, was Sie brauchen! Erweiterte Produktfilterung, Leistung, flexible Abschnitte, konvertierungsorientierte Werbetools und mehr.
Schaffen Sie mit den samtweichen Animationen und der nahtlosen Videointegration von Showcase ein erstklassiges, raffiniertes Einkaufserlebnis.
96 % Positiv
Absolutely great theme and the support from Clean Canvas is much better than most other theme designers. Even if it falls outside of their support scope they will try their best to advise and point you in the right direction! Thanks guys, Conal
I've been a shopify expert for over a decade, worked with almost every theme out there. Showcase is one of my favourites for all the built in features and flexibility. But the most important part is the theme support, the Clean Canvas crew will ensure you are taken care of, even going out of their way to have Shopify correct issues on their end when most theme developers would have passed the buck
Hi Twisted Depiction - thanks so much for the fantastic review. We were delighted to help out where we could! Stay tuned for some exciting updates to SHOWCASE in the coming months ahead!! Wishing you every success from all the Clean Canvas team!
This theme has not been updated for a long time, do you have any update plans?
Hi Kylie! The good news about Showcase! It's a stable theme that rarely needs bug fixes or updates. But we've been busy working on a big 2023 update for Showcase, improving performance and adding exciting new sections/features which will drop in 2023. A more minor release will drop in the next coming weeks before that so stay tuned ✌️
For our new website, we were looking for a theme that already has many functions integrated and where the design is high-quality and modern. The support from Clean Canvas is also very good. All problems were solved. Keep it up!
Hi STYLED HOME OBJECTS. Thanks so much for the lovely review, and yes indeed we will always keep up the great support we offer! we are delighted you chose SHOWCASE and wish you every success with your new store look! More great things to come with SHOWCASE so keep an eye out for the latest enhancements and updates [all updates are free with you purchase]. Best wishes, all the Clean Canvas team!
Set Betty as the default preset
New fonts selected to replace ones that were deprecated
Added support for new Shopify features, some general improvements and a few bug fixes
Was ist in jedem Theme aus dem Theme Store enthalten?
Die Themes im Shopify Theme Store sind garantiert auf dem neuesten Stand und mit dem ständig wachsenden Funktionsumfang von Shopify kompatibel.
Jedes Theme im Theme Store erfüllt die Performance-Standards von Shopify und bietet deinen Käufern ein schnelleres Einkaufserlebnis.
Teste das Theme kostenlos mit deinen eigenen Produkten, den Farben deiner Marke und deinen Anpassungen. Es wird eine einmalige Zahlung von 320 $ fällig, wenn du das Theme in deinem Shop veröffentlichst.
Demo-Shop sind nicht enthalten, aber bei Shopify Burst findest du kostenlose Stock-Fotos.
Hol dir die neuesten Funktionen und Fixes für Themes aus dem Theme Store. Du kannst deinen Kauf jederzeit erneut herunterladen.
Deine Zahlung berechtigt dich dazu, das Theme in einem einzigen Shop zu nutzen und es so lange zu behalten, wie du möchtest.
160 $ USD
250 $ USD
490 $ USD
250 $ USD