310 $ USD
- 98% (91)
Cattura l'attenzione dell'acquirente con titoli in grassetto, tratti sottili, caratteri industriali e una tavolozza di colori ad alto contrasto su uno sfondo sobrio.
Le sezioni prodotto supportano schede prodotto più ampie, punti salienti dei prodotti specializzati e FAQ personalizzate, aiutando gli acquirenti a prendere decisioni consapevoli.
Impostazioni di progettazione e personalizzazione flessibili che ti consentono di aggiornare la tua esperienza in base alla visione del tuo marchio.
57% positiva
Fantastic theme with more features than you might need. Easy to modify and looks great! Could use some more flexibility with how videos appear on the page. Parallax options for blocks/photos would also be nice.
Hi, happy new year! Thanks for this review, glad to hear the theme is working for you. You might be able to leverage the Collage section for more video options, but we'd love to hear your suggestions more in-depth. Please feel free to reach out with your feedback and a Support Advisor will be happy to capture it for our engineers (https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA)
Easy to use, lots of options, nice layouts. I find it frustrating though that there is no 'delivery instructions' box that I can enable in the checkout section. It's not built into the theme. This is extremely important to us - we send perishable food items out and need to make it easy for customers to leave notes re: safe place for leaving packages.
Hello, thanks for using Taste and for submitting a review! If you are using the Local Delivery feature, the customer has the option to leave Delivery Instructions during the Shipping stage of checkout (https://bit.ly/3Qc9jve). If you don't see this option, make sure Local Delivery is enabled and that your address is within delivery range
So far so good. But really difficult to get the logo to be larger than 250px
Hey there, glad you're enjoying the theme. If you have a paid subscription, Shopify Theme Support may be able to help you increase the 250px limit using 15 minutes of your included 60m of design time. Feel free to contact support (see https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA) and let us know the purpose for this change, and we'll see how we can help!
Taste 4.0.0 introduces several fixes and enhancements to make the themes even more flexible and easy to use. We now offer additional customization options in the header to change the position of your logo, new ways of displaying your product page and featured product images, and a new complementary product block to help boost sales.
Taste 3.0.1 introduces a new cart drawer feature, additional customization options on the rich text section, and various fixes and enhancements.
Taste v2.0.0 introduces new ways to customize the look and feel of your store with a vertical product filter layout, mega menu header style, and a quick add button option. This update also features fixes and improvements, including several accessibility enhancements.
Cosa include ogni tema del Theme Store
I temi presenti nel Theme Store di Shopify sono sempre aggiornati e compatibili con il set di funzionalità in continua crescita di Shopify.
Ogni tema presente nel Theme Store soddisfa gli standard di performance di Shopify, garantendo agli acquirenti un'esperienza di shopping più veloce.
Prova gratis il tema con i prodotti, i colori del brand e le personalizzazioni che hai già inserito.
I negozi demo non sono inclusi, ma puoi prendere delle foto gratuite da Shopify Burst.
Ottieni le ultime funzionalità e correzioni del tema dal Theme Store. Dopo l'acquisto puoi eseguire un nuovo download in qualsiasi momento.
310 $ USD
280 $ USD
380 $ USD
120 $ USD