$ 380 USD
- 90% (70)
Vestig uw merk als een leider in de industrie met professioneel, tijdloos design. Efficiënte lay-outs zijn geoptimaliseerd voor uw B2B-klanten.
Shopify Plus-handelaren kunnen hun klanten stimuleren door voordelige hoeveelheidsregels en volumeprijzen in te stellen.
Flexibele ontwerp- en aanpassingsinstellingen om uw gewenste visie te realiseren zonder dat u ook maar iets met code hoeft te doen.
39% positief
I dont have shopify plus so my comments are based off that. -cant see available quantity for each variant -example: Product A has 20pc in stock and I add 30pc, it just gives me an error saying that I cant add that many pc. But in the background, 20pc of product A has been added to the cart with no notification.
Hi, thanks for communicating this information. We suggest that you reach out to our Support (https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA) so that we can take a closer look into your settings to ensure everything is set up correct - and if it is we can investigate why this is happening!
Seems fine since I tried to add several variants from one products to cart: if you do it "quickly" (I mean before the variant total has been displayed) some variants are missed when added to cart despite the fact their qty look ok on the product page. It needs to be fixed before I consider publishing it!
Hello, thanks for letting us know that you're experiencing this. We definitely recommend that you reach out to our Support (https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA) so that we can troubleshoot this with you. We want to ensure that you're able to add product to the cart under any circumstance - even fast clicking!
Pretty good for a free theme. Very easy to use and functional.
Hey there, thanks for letting us know your feedback on the new Trade theme. We are glad to hear it's working well for you and your business.
Trade 15.2.0 provides a few fixes for known bugs and updates the styling for the new dynamic checkout buttons.
Trade 15.1.0 changes the way SVGs are rendered
files in the /assets
Liquid filter to render SVGsTrade 15.0.1 introduces a few bug fixes.
Wat is inbegrepen bij elk thema in de Theme Store
De thema's in de Shopify Theme Store zijn altijd up-to-date en compatibel met de steeds omvangrijkere functiemogelijkheden van Shopify.
Elk thema in de Theme Store voldoet aan de prestatienormen van Shopify, waarmee een snellere shoppingervaring voor je klanten gewaarborgd is.
Probeer het thema gratis uit met je eigen producten, merkkleuren en aanpassingen.
Behalve voor demowinkels kun je gratis stockfoto's downloaden via Shopify Burst.
Ontvang de laatste themafuncties en fixes uit de Theme Store. Je kunt je aankoop op elk moment opnieuw downloaden.
$ 380 USD
$ 320 USD
$ 290 USD
$ 380 USD