$380 USD
36+ 自訂部分
Vision 上的所有媒體相關部分都支援 Shopify 託管視頻,讓下一代感覺您的商店需要提高銷量。
- 大流量商店: 專為須在特定期間內處理大量交易的商店設計
- 快速設定: 盡量簡化佈景主題設定步驟,縮短推出時間
- 視覺敘事設計: 專門設計來展示圖片,以視覺化手法闡述品牌故事
- 使用資訊
- 前後比較圖片滑桿
- 動畫
- 原料或營養成分資訊
- 商品分頁
- 商品影片
- 商品選項
- 圖片庫
- 圖片熱點
- 圖片縮放
- 圖片變換
- 型錄
- 尺寸表
- 素材輪播
- 色樣
- 運送/配送資訊
- 高解析度圖片
- 加強型搜尋功能
- 商品篩選與分類
- 商品系列頁面導覽
- 回到頂端按鈕
- 固定式頁首
- 大型選單
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 無限捲動
- 色樣篩選條件
- 頁面路徑
- 交叉銷售
- 信任徽章
- 倒數計時器
- 可自訂的聯絡表單
- 商品徽章
- 媒體曝光
- 宣傳資訊圖塊
- 宣傳資訊彈出式視窗
- 宣傳資訊橫幅
- 常見問題頁面
- 庫存計算工具
- 從右到左功能
- 快速檢視
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 歐盟翻譯 (英文、法文、義大利文、德文、西班牙文)
- 網誌
- 選單內宣傳資訊
- 使用 Shop 登入
- 來店取貨
- 固定式購物車
- 滑出式購物車
- 購物車備註
- 迅速購買
- 預購
76 則評論
這個佈景主題由 Fuel Themes 支援
- Maslak Mah. Ahi Evran Cd. Ofis Bloku 4, Kat 7, Ofis No:755, Maslak 42, Istanbul, 34398, TR
- shopify-support@fuelthemes.net
版本 8.0.0 December 9, 2024
This update adds a list of features and new minor features.
- Added block link to promotion blocks section
- Added marker color setting to vendor list section
- Added section width setting to Custom liquid section
- Added form errors to password page
- Use custom elements for cart notes
- Change demo font families
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixes sticky filters when sticky header is disabled.
- Fixes product compare SKU field
- Fixes product grid border radius
- Fixes slideshow image sizes
- Make sure prices don’t wrap
- Remove unnecessary script loading
- Fixes product custom badges on iOS
版本 7.0.0 October 25, 2024
This update adds a lot of new blocks, sections and features including the "Product compare" feature on collection pages
- Added ability to compare products on collection pages
- Added inline search form feature to header section
- Added loading icon to product grid when changing filters
- Added scrolling text block to product sections
- Added link setting to image block on product sections
- Added support for sticky filter button on mobile
- Added better styling order page status
- Added order note to customer account order page
- Added color swatch size setting to variant picker block on product sections
- Added Coupon code block
- Added mega menu sidebar block
- Added image settings to template header section
- Added product fit block to product sections
- Added payment & security block to product sections
- Added pros & cons block to product sections
- Added max height setting to product description block
- Added max height to collection description
- Added map section
- Added gift card recipient form “send on” field
- Added cart icon options to header section
- Added full width option to subheader section
- Added full width option to header section
- Added product media mobile settings "Make product gallery full width", "Show previous & next media"
- Added collection list content alignment setting
- Added Enable swipe on mobile to Media grid section
- Added pages to predictive search results
- Changes scrolling content section logic and improves performance
- Modularize slideshow arrows so all arrows are loaded from a single snippet
- Use custom elements for Cart drawer and Terms & Conditions checkbox
- Smaller sub-collection links on collection pages
- Make sure image with text overlay has h1
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixes collection list carousel layout mobile columns
- Improve shopify subscriptions styling
- Handle 422 errors on product page correctly
- Improve performance by removing unneeded css prefixes
版本 6.1.0 October 1, 2024
This update adds "Maximum page width" setting and fixes minor issues
- Added Maximum page width setting to Theme settings. You can now adjust the site width using this setting.
- Added display average rating setting to product pages
- Added missing block attributes to product section blocks
- Changes translation key for the "Products" text inside predictive search
- Completely revamped footer section animation for better performance
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixes Shop the look section overflow issue
- Remove shopify review app styles
- Fixes Pinterest sharing image for articles
- 大流量商店: 專為須在特定期間內處理大量交易的商店設計
- 快速設定: 盡量簡化佈景主題設定步驟,縮短推出時間
- 視覺敘事設計: 專門設計來展示圖片,以視覺化手法闡述品牌故事
- 使用資訊
- 前後比較圖片滑桿
- 動畫
- 原料或營養成分資訊
- 商品分頁
- 商品影片
- 商品選項
- 圖片庫
- 圖片熱點
- 圖片縮放
- 圖片變換
- 型錄
- 尺寸表
- 素材輪播
- 色樣
- 運送/配送資訊
- 高解析度圖片
- 加強型搜尋功能
- 商品篩選與分類
- 商品系列頁面導覽
- 回到頂端按鈕
- 固定式頁首
- 大型選單
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 無限捲動
- 色樣篩選條件
- 頁面路徑
- 交叉銷售
- 信任徽章
- 倒數計時器
- 可自訂的聯絡表單
- 商品徽章
- 媒體曝光
- 宣傳資訊圖塊
- 宣傳資訊彈出式視窗
- 宣傳資訊橫幅
- 常見問題頁面
- 庫存計算工具
- 從右到左功能
- 快速檢視
- 推薦商品
- 最近檢視項目
- 歐盟翻譯 (英文、法文、義大利文、德文、西班牙文)
- 網誌
- 選單內宣傳資訊
- 使用 Shop 登入
- 來店取貨
- 固定式購物車
- 滑出式購物車
- 購物車備註
- 迅速購買
- 預購
76 則評論
這個佈景主題由 Fuel Themes 支援
- Maslak Mah. Ahi Evran Cd. Ofis Bloku 4, Kat 7, Ofis No:755, Maslak 42, Istanbul, 34398, TR
- shopify-support@fuelthemes.net
版本 8.0.0 December 9, 2024
This update adds a list of features and new minor features.
- Added block link to promotion blocks section
- Added marker color setting to vendor list section
- Added section width setting to Custom liquid section
- Added form errors to password page
- Use custom elements for cart notes
- Change demo font families
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixes sticky filters when sticky header is disabled.
- Fixes product compare SKU field
- Fixes product grid border radius
- Fixes slideshow image sizes
- Make sure prices don’t wrap
- Remove unnecessary script loading
- Fixes product custom badges on iOS
版本 7.0.0 October 25, 2024
This update adds a lot of new blocks, sections and features including the "Product compare" feature on collection pages
- Added ability to compare products on collection pages
- Added inline search form feature to header section
- Added loading icon to product grid when changing filters
- Added scrolling text block to product sections
- Added link setting to image block on product sections
- Added support for sticky filter button on mobile
- Added better styling order page status
- Added order note to customer account order page
- Added color swatch size setting to variant picker block on product sections
- Added Coupon code block
- Added mega menu sidebar block
- Added image settings to template header section
- Added product fit block to product sections
- Added payment & security block to product sections
- Added pros & cons block to product sections
- Added max height setting to product description block
- Added max height to collection description
- Added map section
- Added gift card recipient form “send on” field
- Added cart icon options to header section
- Added full width option to subheader section
- Added full width option to header section
- Added product media mobile settings "Make product gallery full width", "Show previous & next media"
- Added collection list content alignment setting
- Added Enable swipe on mobile to Media grid section
- Added pages to predictive search results
- Changes scrolling content section logic and improves performance
- Modularize slideshow arrows so all arrows are loaded from a single snippet
- Use custom elements for Cart drawer and Terms & Conditions checkbox
- Smaller sub-collection links on collection pages
- Make sure image with text overlay has h1
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixes collection list carousel layout mobile columns
- Improve shopify subscriptions styling
- Handle 422 errors on product page correctly
- Improve performance by removing unneeded css prefixes
版本 6.1.0 October 1, 2024
This update adds "Maximum page width" setting and fixes minor issues
- Added Maximum page width setting to Theme settings. You can now adjust the site width using this setting.
- Added display average rating setting to product pages
- Added missing block attributes to product section blocks
- Changes translation key for the "Products" text inside predictive search
- Completely revamped footer section animation for better performance
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixes Shop the look section overflow issue
- Remove shopify review app styles
- Fixes Pinterest sharing image for articles
Shopify Theme Store,開店安心保證
Shopify Theme Store 中各佈景主題包含的內容
結合最新 Shopify 功能
Shopify Theme Store 的佈景主題會隨時更新,結合 Shopify 不斷創新的最新功能。
Shopify Theme Store 的所有佈景主題都符合 Shopify 效能標準,確保您的買家能享受更快速的購物體驗。
搭配自家產品、品牌色彩和專屬設定,免費試用佈景主題。將佈景主題發佈至商店後,僅需支付 $320 的單次買斷費用。
雖不包含示範商店,但您可從 Shopify Burst 取得免費圖庫相片。
自 Shopify Theme Store 取得最新的佈景主題功能與修正。您可以隨時重新下載已購買的佈景主題。