$ 380 USD
- 89 % (19)
Den raske visningen av produktet gjør det mulig for kunder å legge i handlekurven veldig raskt.
Fullt responsiv design, klar for enhver enhet; Unikt samlingsnett; Bruk dra-og-slipp-seksjoner på hver side, Metafields klare.
Kjøpere kan sjekke frakt-/leveringsinformasjon.
100 % positiv
In version 1.5.3 we fixed bugs and also added a new option for Gift card products. That allows customers to fill in information and send a gift card directly to someone.
In version 1.5.2 we focused on fixing bugs and also we integrated better support for customizing color swatches for product variants. We also added the option to put products into a cart directly from grids instead of using a quick-view popup (unless the product has more variants).
In version 1.5.1 we primarily reworked variant pickers. We added an option with variant thumbnails and also a feature that shows customers which variant is sold out.
100 % positiv
In version 1.5.3 we fixed bugs and also added a new option for Gift card products. That allows customers to fill in information and send a gift card directly to someone.
In version 1.5.2 we focused on fixing bugs and also we integrated better support for customizing color swatches for product variants. We also added the option to put products into a cart directly from grids instead of using a quick-view popup (unless the product has more variants).
In version 1.5.1 we primarily reworked variant pickers. We added an option with variant thumbnails and also a feature that shows customers which variant is sold out.
Dette er inkludert i alle temaer i Theme Store
Temaer i Shopify Theme Store er garantert oppdaterte, og fungerer med Shopifys konstant voksende utvalg funksjoner.
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