- 21 % (14)
Paranna luovan brändisi houkuttelevuutta verkossa. Suunniteltu taiteilijoita ja lifestyle-myyjiä ajatellen. Tutustu lisää osoitteessa
Nyt saatavilla oleva versio 2.0 tuo laajoja megavalikoita, interaktiivisia ponnahdusikkunoita, mukautettavat liukusäätimet, ajastimet ja vielä enemmän edistysaskeleita.
Pikakatselu, haku- ja käyttöönottomodaalit, ilmoituspalkki, tuotekuvan zoomaus, parallaksi, liukukärry – nimeä se, Käsintehdyssä on kaikki.
50 % myönteinen
We would highly recommend this theme to others - love the design <3 A few elements were missing for our specific needs, but the customer service team has been excellent and has gone above and beyond to help us fix these issues. They are quick to respond and very helpful in finding solutions to make the theme work for us. We're 90% done with our new site, so stay tuned for a final review.
A very pretty theme that lacks the flexibility and customization of similar options in the same price range or cheaper. Some of the primary components are not very well optimized for mobile visibility / user experience. Might be worth it, when on sale, if you are comfortable modifying the theme code to get the look & functionality you need.
It's our goal to provide a theme that is both visually appealing and functional for all of our users. We'll be glad to customize your shop to your liking by adding the features you're missing or improving the current ones. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're always happy to help our customers and make sure that their stores are successful.
Handmade 2.1.0 introduces updating deprecated Shopify fonts
Handmade 2.0.7 introduces several fixes
Handmade 2.0.6 introduces Featured Product section, Swatch and Image filters support and several fixes
50 % myönteinen
We would highly recommend this theme to others - love the design <3 A few elements were missing for our specific needs, but the customer service team has been excellent and has gone above and beyond to help us fix these issues. They are quick to respond and very helpful in finding solutions to make the theme work for us. We're 90% done with our new site, so stay tuned for a final review.
A very pretty theme that lacks the flexibility and customization of similar options in the same price range or cheaper. Some of the primary components are not very well optimized for mobile visibility / user experience. Might be worth it, when on sale, if you are comfortable modifying the theme code to get the look & functionality you need.
It's our goal to provide a theme that is both visually appealing and functional for all of our users. We'll be glad to customize your shop to your liking by adding the features you're missing or improving the current ones. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're always happy to help our customers and make sure that their stores are successful.
Handmade 2.1.0 introduces updating deprecated Shopify fonts
Handmade 2.0.7 introduces several fixes
Handmade 2.0.6 introduces Featured Product section, Swatch and Image filters support and several fixes
Mitä jokaiseen Theme Storen teemaan sisältyy
Takaamme, että Shopify Theme Storen teemat ovat ajan tasalla ja toimivat Shopifyn jatkuvasti kasvavien ominaisuuksien kanssa.
Jokainen Theme Storen teema täyttää Shopifyn tehokkuussstandardit, ja takaa nopeamman ostokokemuksen asiakkaillesi.
Kokeile teemaa ilmaiseksi omilla tuotteillasi, brändiväreilläsi ja mukautuksillasi. Maksat kertamaksuna 100 $, jos julkaiset teeman kaupassasi.
Demokaupat eivät sisälly mukaan, mutta ilmaisia kuvapankkikuvia on saatavilla täältä: Shopify Burst.
Hanki uusimmat teemaominaisuudet ja -korjaukset teemakaupasta. Voit ladata ostoksesi uudelleen milloin tahansa.
Maksu oikeuttaa sinua käyttämään teemaa yhdessä kaupassa rajoittamattoman ajan.
180 $ USD
380 $ USD
160 $ USD