


バージョン10.0.2 2024年7月3日

$380 USD



  • EU翻訳 (英、仏、伊、独、西)
  • カウントダウンタイマー
  • 色の見本
  • クイックビュー
  • 在庫カウンター
  • こちらから全ての機能を見る



  • EU翻訳 (英、仏、伊、独、西)
  • カウントダウンタイマー
  • 色の見本
  • クイックビュー
  • 在庫カウンター
  • こちらから全ての機能を見る



究極の贅沢でハイエンドな美観を実現するために熟練の職人が作り上げました。製品とブランド アイデンティティを強調するエレガントなデザインの機能。


新しい機能と 30 以上の高度に設定可能なセクションが満載。魅力的なストアを作成し、ブランドを宣伝するための究極のツールです。


超高速のパフォーマンスとアクセシビリティを重視したテーマでオンライン ストアのレベルを高めます。シームレスなブラウジングのパワーを解き放ちます。


  • 編集コンテンツ: 長い文章のセクション用に最適化され、ブランドのストーリーテリングに対応できます
  • 実店舗: 実店舗販売を行うストア向けに設計
  • ビジュアルストーリーテリング: ブランドのビジュアルストーリーテリングに対応した画像を使えるように設計


  • カートメモ
  • クイック購入
  • スライドアウトカート
  • 実店舗受け取り
  • 常時表示カート


  • EU翻訳 (英、仏、伊、独、西)
  • おすすめ商品
  • よくある質問ページ
  • カウントダウンタイマー
  • カスタマイズ可能なお問い合わせフォーム
  • クイックビュー
  • クロスセル
  • ブログ
  • プロモーションタイル
  • プロモーションバナー
  • プロモーションポップアップ
  • メディア掲載
  • メニュー内プロモーション
  • 右から左方向
  • 商品バッジ
  • 在庫カウンター
  • 最近閲覧した商品


  • アニメーション
  • サイズ表
  • スライドショー
  • ビフォー・アフターの画像をスライド表示
  • ルックブック
  • 使用用途に関する情報
  • 商品のオプション
  • 商品タブ
  • 商品動画
  • 成分または栄養に関する情報
  • 画像のズーム
  • 画像のホットスポット
  • 画像のロールオーバー
  • 画像ギャラリー
  • 色の見本
  • 高画質の画像


  • おすすめ商品
  • コレクションページメニュー
  • メガメニュー
  • 商品の絞り込みと並び替え
  • 常時表示ヘッダー
  • 拡張検索
  • 最近閲覧した商品


  • 編集コンテンツ: 長い文章のセクション用に最適化され、ブランドのストーリーテリングに対応できます
  • 実店舗: 実店舗販売を行うストア向けに設計
  • ビジュアルストーリーテリング: ブランドのビジュアルストーリーテリングに対応した画像を使えるように設計


  • カートメモ
  • クイック購入
  • スライドアウトカート
  • 実店舗受け取り
  • 常時表示カート


  • EU翻訳 (英、仏、伊、独、西)
  • おすすめ商品
  • よくある質問ページ
  • カウントダウンタイマー
  • カスタマイズ可能なお問い合わせフォーム
  • クイックビュー
  • クロスセル
  • ブログ
  • プロモーションタイル
  • プロモーションバナー
  • プロモーションポップアップ
  • メディア掲載
  • メニュー内プロモーション
  • 右から左方向
  • 商品バッジ
  • 在庫カウンター
  • 最近閲覧した商品


  • アニメーション
  • サイズ表
  • スライドショー
  • ビフォー・アフターの画像をスライド表示
  • ルックブック
  • 使用用途に関する情報
  • 商品のオプション
  • 商品タブ
  • 商品動画
  • 成分または栄養に関する情報
  • 画像のズーム
  • 画像のホットスポット
  • 画像のロールオーバー
  • 画像ギャラリー
  • 色の見本
  • 高画質の画像


  • おすすめ商品
  • コレクションページメニュー
  • メガメニュー
  • 商品の絞り込みと並び替え
  • 常時表示ヘッダー
  • 拡張検索
  • 最近閲覧した商品


90% 高評価

  • 574 ポジティブなレビュー
  • 11 普通のレビュー
  • 52 否定的なレビュー

No missing features, exceptionally well-integrated theme and ultra-fast loading time, code written clearly and remarkably well-structured. But most importantly: incredibly responsive and very technical support if needed. Experienced developers or enthusiasts, you won't be disappointed. We were previously on Impulse by Archetypes, and nothing in the world would make me go back to it.

Cameron Interior Designers Scotland

Fantastic theme with fantastic support - Zor helped me out with a very annoying tweak for a client. 5 stars. My go to theme. Thank you!

Treasure Green Tea Company

The functionality and features are continually improving! We are about to migrate to v10.02 from v6.0.. Although the Prestige theme features are good; it is only as good as the support! During the migration and testing process we created several errors and the Maestrooo support was excellent. They were able to help resolve our errors. We are grateful for their patience and support!

Jewel Eternity

Je suis satisfait du thème, je pense que c'est l'un des meilleurs de shopify, le support et assez rapide juste dommage qu'il ne sois pas actif le week-end pour ceux qui ont vraiment besoins, mais sinon parfait

Maestroooからの返信 11日前

We're happy to hear you're enjoying the theme :). We are a very small team, and indeed, we currently do not provide support on weekends, but we answer within 24 hours on weekdays! We hope you will understand that our team also needs a bit of a break in the week ;).


  • 13 avenue Jean Jaurès, Ivry sur Seine, 94200, FR


バージョン10.0.2 July 3, 2024


  • Fixed a regression introduced in version 10.0.0 where the featured product section would not work correctly for products with variants. We would like to apologize for this regression, due to a major rewrite of how variants are handled in the theme.

バージョン10.0.1 June 28, 2024


  • The "Collection list" section now has a per-block "Button style" setting, allowing merchants to choose between the solid (default), outline or link button style.


  • Fixed a regression introduced in version 10.0.0 where more than one color swatch could appear selected on listing pages.
  • Fixed a regression introduced in version 10.0.0 where variants deep-linking were not working as expected when changing color swatch on collection pages.

バージョン10.0.0 June 25, 2024

IMPORTANT: this update contains a number of important internal code changes and potential breaking changes. If you are a developer or agency doing extensive customizations to the theme code, please refer to the "Developers" section at the end of this changelog.


  • Added support for image filters. Image filters are a new kind of filters that can be created using metaobjects, and allow to show small images without cropping theme (as opposed to swatch images, that are useful for colors and patterns). You can learn more about how to setup visual filters in Shopify documentation.

  • Added support for combined listing (only available for Shopify Plus merchants). Shopify Plus merchants who currently use the product variations block feature are encouraged to migrate to the native feature instead. Combined listings bring together products that are merchandised by an option, such as color, model, or dimension. Learn more.

  • Added support for upcoming increase of variants per product limit. In 2024 and 2025, Shopify will progressively update its product underlying model to allow up to 2000 variants per product. Starting from this version of Prestige, your theme will be compatible when the feature will be introduced.

  • Liquid blocks added in product blocks will now re-render whenever the variant changes. This allows you to write variant-specific information in such blocks, and the content will now properly adjust to match the selected variant.

  • A new "Show date" setting (disabled by default) has been added on blog posts section and main blog post page, which allows to show the article publication date on blog post cards.


  • Product microdata has been updated to use the new structured_data Liquid filter. Microdata for product is now managed at Shopify level, and will allow to keep the schema in sync with future Google changes, without the need to upgrade the theme. Because it is no longer managed by the theme, if you find attributes that are missing, you will need to reach Shopify support directly instead of us.

  • Article microdata has been updated to use the new structured_data Liquid filter.

  • We have changed how the price filter behaves on collection pages. Previously, the theme used to limit the number of steps. For instance, if your product prices would range from $10 to $500, we would force a step of $5, so a buyer could choose $5, $10, $15... and so on. To give customers more flexibility on how they can filter by price, we are no longer forcing a step. A customer can now enter the lower and upper amounts they want to filter.


  • Product card main media won't be lazy-loaded for the three first product cards, if the section that hold them is at the top of the page. This approach allows to improve a bit the LCP.

  • Keyboard navigation for collection filters have been improved. The theme will now automatically restore the focus once filters have changed, which allows to more easily turn on/off filters using keyboard.

  • Performance of the countdown timer section have been improved, by removing unnecessary reflows.


  • Fixed an issue where predictive search queries starting by the # character would not work.

  • Fixed an issue where the border for color swatches named "White" would not show up as expected under some rare circumstances.

  • Fixed an issue where dropdown selector for product pages could be partially hidden when the product section is followed by a newsletter section with overlay enabled.

  • Fixed an issue where clicking on a video that does not autoplay on desktop for product pages would incorrectly open the zoom box.

  • Fixed an issue where the "Text font" setting for product card was not applied on product recommendations.

  • Fixed an issue where background gradient was not supported for the footer section.

For developers

Those changes are internal changes that were required to add support for new features and improve performance. They should not impact you unless you are doing extensive customizations to the code.

  • Previously, when a variant would change, the theme would re-render the new variant in JavaScript. This allowed an immediate feedback. The support for combined listing and upcoming variant count increase now requires to re-render the whole section using the Section Rendering API whenever a variant changes, and re-render the section. We have added some preloading techniques to ensure that variant changes remains fast, but this also means that, because the product section will be re-rendered, JS listeners attached to product page sections will be lost when the variant changes.

  • Since the version 7, Prestige has been using custom elements extensively, including built-in custom extends (using the is HTML attribute). Safari has never supported this feature (and re-expressed the fact that they never will) and the theme had to use a lightweight polyfill to use this feature on Safari. Unfortunately, recently, several Safari upgrades broke the polyfill, that caused minor breakings to the theme. Considering that Safari will never implement it, moving forward we have decided to no longer use built-in custom extends, so that we can remove the polyfill from the theme, and ensure a better long-term compatibility with Safari. While this change is internal and should not impact merchants, developers who have done major customizations and relied on those built-in extends will need to update their code.

  • The product object is no longer part of the variant:change event that is triggered whenever the buyer select a new variant. This has been done for performance reasons and to comply with the new restrictions of the variant limit (variant and previousVariant are still part of it). If you need to get the information about a product beside the variant information, you will need to use the Ajax product API, or store yourself the product information in Liquid.

  • A new cart-drawer:refreshed event is now raised whenever the cart drawer has finished re-rerendering (for instance when a new product has been added or removed from the cart drawer). This can be useful to create advanced customizations such as notifications.


自信をもって構築 — テーマストアの約束


  • 最新のShopify機能に対応

    Shopify テーマストアに掲載されているテーマは常に最新の状態に保たれ、増え続けるShopifyの機能に対応していることが保証されています。

  • スピードテスト合格


  • 制限なしの無料体験


  • 無料の高品質画像

    デモストアは含まれていませんが、Shopify Burstから無料でストックフォトを入手できます。

  • 無料のテーマ更新


  • 1つのストアに対して無期限のライセンス
