380 $ USD
- 98 % (516)
Seien Sie mit unserem Thema eine herausragende Marke, die mit den Giganten konkurriert. Schnellansicht, Verkaufsargumente und ansprechende Videos.
Verwandeln Sie Ihren Online-Shop mit außergewöhnlicher Leistung und einem Design, das auf Barrierefreiheit ausgerichtet ist. Sorgfältig gestaltet von DigiFist.
Erreichen Sie eine perfekte Mischung aus Raffinesse und Kühnheit. Essence bietet stromlinienförmige Eleganz mit über 30 Abschnitten, während Grasse einen kühnen Imp
92 % Positiv
A fantastic theme that perfectly fits out brand, and genuinely great support too. Our website looks like it cost £10k to build from scratch!
Had an issue with cart on mobile and I submitted a support ticket that was responded to and issue was fixed all within 48 hours. So far so Good! Paul has been a great help and very responsive.
The theme is great, very modern and funky. However theme support not present, there is a bug with the newest version and they don't even bother to get back to you. Not stoked.
Paul from DigiFist Support was awesome to work with! He was quick to respond and direct me to the fix the issues. The theme was easy to use.
In this release, we've introduced new features, made improvements, and fixed bugs to enhance the user experience of the Release Theme.
Completely redesigned and recoded the PDP with a new layout and features.
Added a Carousel section to enrich the theme.
Introduced a vendor option to the featured products section.
Improved and added new features to the full-width banner section.
Added a new layout for the SEO section.
Added vendor to the product card.
Enhanced the complete the set section with a new layout and features on the PDP.
Improved the layout of the footer section.
Enhanced user experience for the page banner and collection banner sections.
Redesigned actions for the multitile slideshow.
Improved design and performance of the whole theme.
Fixed the filter issue on the PLP.
Corrected link styling on the password page.
Resolved layout issues in the blog article section.
Fixed the plain arrow issue in the featured collections section.
Addressed the movement issue in the social media highlight section.
Resolved some issues related to the store locator.
Fixed the drawer scroll issue in the complete the set section.
Corrected the menu issue for large menus.
Fixed the aspect ratio issue on the product card.
Resolved quick add to cart behavior on the product card.
Fixed the action buttons styling issue on the product card.
Corrected the read more expand issue on the PDP.
Fixed the styling issue in the callout banner.
In this release, we've introduced new features, made improvements, and fixed bugs to enhance the user experience of the Release Theme.
Added RTL (Right-to-left) support to the theme.
Enhanced market support with changing fixed sections to removable ones.
Introduced sticky add-to-cart bar on the PDP.
Added spacing settings for the PDP blocks.
Introduced color option for product card buttons.
Added seperate desktop and mobile image options for the page banner section.
Added inline price position option for product cards.
Added subheading feature for the featured collections section.
Added show on mobile option for the testimonial section image.
Added new fields for the newsletter form in the footer section.
Enhanced the user experience of the text truncator feature.
Improved the user experience of the top bar on the PDP.
Enhanced accordion style for the PDP and the complete the set section.
Improved support for bundle products.
Updated the text style of breadcrumbs.
Improved text card usage in the header menu.
Enhanced the display of the announcement bar on mobile devices.
Resolved the issue where the newsletter popup closed instantly.
Fixed the heading format issue in the complete the set section.
Corrected the display of the shop the look section's product button in the drawer.
Fixed the multitile section button rendering issue.
Resolved the fluid layout issue in the SEO content section.
Fixed the italic text issue in the callout banner section.
Corrected text issues in the multitile section.
Fixed the collection image rendering issue in the search.
Resolved the media aspect ratio setting issue for blog post articles.
Addressed the vertical pagination overlap issue in the hero banner.
Fixed the plus and minus icons issue in the accordion blocks on the PDP.
Resolved the no image issue for variants with images on the PDP.
Fixed the size issue for the as seen on and zoom buttons on the PDP.
Corrected thumbnail and aspect ratio settings issues on the PDP.
Fixed the product counter issue in the highlighted collection on mobile devices.
Addressed the hero banner heading size issue for small section heights.
Fixed the arrow display issue in the featured collection section.
Resolved the display issue for the recently viewed products section when no products are present.
Fixed the position issue of the contact form success message.
In this release, we've added new features, made improvements, and fixed bugs to enhance the user experience of the Release Theme.
Added heading size option for heading elements of the sections.
Added new layout for the shop the look section.
Added show / hide breadcrumb option for page banner section.
Added aspect ratio option for thumbnails on PDP.
Improved the hero banner video control functionality.
Improved user experience for the testimonial section.
Improved user experience for the multitile section.
Resolved narrow last slide issue on mobile.
Fixed positioning of as seen on button, slideshow arrows and zoom button on PDP.
Fixed for thumbnails and aspect-ratio settings on PDP.
Fixed extra spacing issue on PDP.
Addressed the auto slide behavior issue in the shop the look section.
Removed unwanted line at the top of the header.
Fixed slideshow no content issue at the multitile section.
Resolved the long variant list issue on PDP.
Fixed cart drawer count issue for the bundle product.
Resolved predictive search quick cart initialization issue.
Was ist in jedem Theme aus dem Theme Store enthalten?
Die Themes im Shopify Theme Store sind garantiert auf dem neuesten Stand und mit dem ständig wachsenden Funktionsumfang von Shopify kompatibel.
Jedes Theme im Theme Store erfüllt die Performance-Standards von Shopify und bietet deinen Käufern ein schnelleres Einkaufserlebnis.
Teste das Theme kostenlos mit deinen eigenen Produkten, den Farben deiner Marke und deinen Anpassungen. Es wird eine einmalige Zahlung von 400 $ fällig, wenn du das Theme in deinem Shop veröffentlichst.
Demo-Shop sind nicht enthalten, aber bei Shopify Burst findest du kostenlose Stock-Fotos.
Hol dir die neuesten Funktionen und Fixes für Themes aus dem Theme Store. Du kannst deinen Kauf jederzeit erneut herunterladen.
Deine Zahlung berechtigt dich dazu, das Theme in einem einzigen Shop zu nutzen und es so lange zu behalten, wie du möchtest.
380 $ USD
360 $ USD
350 $ USD